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B2 FCE Money

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does having a lot of money make someone more attractive?
How do you prefer to pay for purchases? With cash, a credit card, or some other payment method? Why?
What would you do if you found a brown paper bag with one thousand dollars in it on the street?
Do you have any cryptocurrency such as bitcoin? Where can you use that kind of money?
Did you receive pocket-money/an allowance when you were a child? Was it enough for you? What did you usually spend it on?
What does 'money doesn't grow on trees' mean? Do you agree?
Can you recall, without looking, who or what are on your national banknotes?
How do you feel after spending large amounts of money?
Which do you enjoy more: earning money or spending it?
What things do we pay for that you think ought to be free?
What kind of things do you order online?
Have you ever been ripped off? Share your experience
Do you usually give spare change away to beggars? Why? Why not?
Do you always chip in for company gifts? How much is a reasonable amount to give?
If you had an 1000 euro to spare, what would you splash out on?
Do you think the minimum wage in your country is enough? Why/Why not?
How much do you think is necessary to earn in order to get by in your country?
In your opinion, how long is a reasonable amount of time to wait before asking some to pay you back?
Have you been saving up for anything? What? What do people usually save up for?
Talk about a great bargain you've come across