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The History of Anime RAZ Comprehension

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Describe three characteristics that give anime a distinct appearance.
Detailed backgrounds, exaggerated expressions, very large eyes.
How did the start of World War II affect Japanese artists?
Japanese artists were only allowed to create art that celebrated Japanese values. Some artists left the country and others created their art in secret.
How did anime change in the 1980s and 1990s?
Japanese studios began to make anime films.
Artists in the United States began to create anime.
Japan would not allow artists to create anime.
Anime was finally released in the world.
A sketch is __________.
a quick or rough drawing
a finished masterpiece
a Japanese form of art
a type of cartoon strip
How are shonen and shojo the same?
They both star adventurous and active characters.
They are both made for girls.
They are both about emotions and relationships.
They are both shown ONLY on Japanese television.
Which event occurred after the end of World War II?
Anime was seen on television.
The art of manga was created.
Motion pictures were created.
British and American merchants arrived in Japan.
What is the main idea of the section "Art for All"?
The history of anime began more than 200 years ago in Japan.
The word manga came from the artist Katsushika Hokusai.
Colored woodblock require a different block for each color.
"The Blind Man and the Elephant" is a famous manga.
The individual boxes in a comic strip or comic book are called _________.
Which of the following details expresses an opinion?
Anime is a more interesting art form for storytelling.
In anime video games, players guide characters on missions.
Many anime films became hits worldwide.
The animated film Spirited Away won an Academy Award.
What was the effect of scroll art requiring time and careful attention to create?
Only the wealthy could afford it.
It could be seen only in museums.
People got tired of making it.
It was sold to people from other countries.
What was the author's purpose in this text?
to inform the reader about the history of anime
to inform the reader about the effects of World War II
to persuade the reader to watch full-length anime films
to persuade the reader that anime has improved over time
The performances of early actors in black-and-white silent movies were quite ______, with wild expressions and actions.