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Unscramble the Simple Past Tense

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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player / a / Michael Jordan / basketball / was / famous (affirmative)
Michael Jordan was a famous basketball player.
inventor / Leonardo da Vinci / an / was (affirmative)
Leonardo da Vinci was an inventor.
went / They / camping (affirmative)
They went camping.
vacation / I / my / ice cream / had / on / a lot of (affirmative)
I had a lot of ice cream on my vacation.
Saturday / Was / last / she / at the party (question)
Was she at the party last Saturday?
you / Where / were (question)
Where were you?
last / friends / me / My / Saturday / didn't / party / call / to the (negative)
My friends didn't call me to the party last Saturday.
watch / she / a movie / Did / yesterday (question)
Did she watch a movie yesterday?
did / Where / go / you (question)
Where did you go?
soccer / I / yesterday / played (affirmative)
I played soccer yesterday.
went / my / last / on / hiking / I / vacation (affirmative)
I went hiking on my last vacation.
wasn't / last / She / yesterday / at school (negative)
She wasn't at school yesterday.
time / Sorry / to do / didn't / I / homework / have / the (negative)
Sorry, I didn't have time to do the homework.
New York / have / you / Did / to visit / time / the / in / Central Park (question)
Did you have time to visit the Central Park in New York?
did / go / Where / vacation / your / on / you (question)
Where did you go on your vacation?
did / do / you / What (question)
What did you do?
didn't / me / with / play / She (negative)
She didn't play with me.
your / was / How / weekend (question)
How was your weekend?