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Violence & crime

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a person called who has done the same crime more than once?
repeat offender
What is it called when somebody murders someone in the same way somebody else has done it before?
copycat killer / copycat murder
What is it called when you put money through lots of banks/businesses to make it seem like you got it legally?
Money laundering
What is it called when you secretly take money that doesn’t belong to you (from your boss for example)
What is it called when you steal a car just to ride around for fun?
What is it called when you betray your country?
What is it called when you drive drunkenly?
driving under the influence, drunk driving
What is it called when you lie in court?
What is it called when you drive too fast in your car?
What is it called when you have to go to prison for the rest of your life?
life sentence
What is it called when you illegally paint something on the wall of a building?
What is it called when you attack and rob someone in the street?
What is the crime of unintentionally killing somebody called?
What is the crime of killing somebody called?
What is it called when you take something from a shop without paying?
What is the crime of breaking into someone's house and stealing something called?
burglary, theft
What is the crime of stealing money from a bank called?
What is the crime of setting a fire called?