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Healthy or Unhealthy Relationship?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friend invites me to come watch them play baseball. I hate baseball and know I will be bored but decide to go anyway to support my friend.
My younger sibling is driving me nuts and I scream, "I wish I were an only child!"
I really want to go to the same camp as my friend. My parent tells me they would love to send me but they cannot afford the camp.
I am playing goalie at my soccer game and a player on another team gets the ball past me and wins the game. My soccer coach tells me to keep practicing and he is proud of how hard I tried.
My parent limits my screen time
My sibling borrows my iPad without asking me permission
In the middle
My friend breaks their promise to keep my secret
In the middle. Depends on the secret.
My parent stays home from work to take care of me when I am sick.
My parent yells, tells me, “ How could you do so badly on a test???!!! You must not have even tried! How is my kid this stupid?!"
My parent tells me that they are “disappointed” when I get poor marks on my report card.
In the middle. How would you feel in this situation?
I raise my hand but the teacher does not call on me.
In the middle
My friend keeps interrupting me when I am trying to tell a story.
Unhealthy. It's important for friends to listen to one another.
My parent forgets my birthday.
In the middle. Can you think of an acceptable reason this may have happened?
I am using my mom’s phone to watch Youtube videos when she gets several text messages. I get curious and decide to read all her texts.
Unhealthy. It's important to respect other's privacy.