Edit Game
Grade 10 - Final test

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He has always wanted to visit _____ Rome
no article
They got married but ______ marriage wasn’t very successful.
I’m not very hungry. I had _________ big breakfast
This is _________ most wonderful present I’ve ever had.
My mother, ________everyone admires, is a famous teacher.
Do you know the boy ________we met at the party last week?
The police officer has just arrested a man. He robbed the bank.
The police officer has just arrested a man who robbed the bank.
The man is a director. His dog is sick.
The man whose dog is sick is a director
The flight was canceled. We were going to take it.
The flight which we were going to take was canceled
That’s the man. His car is a Ferrari.
That's the man whose car is a Ferrari
The radio was stolen. It was bought 35 years ago.
The radio which was stolen was brought 35 years ago
The man is in the class. He is wearing a blue hat.
The man who is wearing a blue hat is in the class
Linh liked the waiter. He was very friendly.
Linh liked the waiter who was very friendly.
They called a doctor. He lived nearby.
They called a doctor who lived nearby.
Tom works for a company. It makes electronic devices.
Tom works for a company which makes electronic devices.
I like the countryside. Living in the countryside is ________ (healthy) and _________ (peaceful) living in a city.
healthier - more peaceful
That was________(beautiful)painting I’ve ever seen.
the most beautiful
Health and happiness are _________ (important) money.
more important than
That theatre over there is ________ (old) building in the city.
the oldest
The problem is not so complicated.It’s_________ (simple) you think.
simpler than
People may keep books for two weeks.
Books may be kept for two weeks
Books may kept for two weeks
People may be kept books for 2 weeks
People may keeping books for 2 weeks
You should shake milk before you use it.
Milk should be shaken before you use it
Milk should be shaked before you use it
Milk should shaken before you use it
Milk should be shaking before you use it
People must not leave bicycles in the hall
The bicycle must not be left in the hall
The bicycle must be left in the hall
The bicycle must not be leaved in the hall
The bicycle must not be leaving in the hall
Someone will serve refreshments
Refreshments will be served
Refreshments will be serving
Refreshments will served
Refreshments will be to served
Change into passive: We must keep this door shut
This door must be kept shut
This door must kept shut
This door must be shut
This door must be keeped shut
Change into passive form: They might not perform the play today
The play might not be performed today
The play might be performed today
The play might not be performing today
The play might not performed today
Change into passive form: We won't send the message tomorrow
The message won't be sent tomorrow
The message won't be sending tomorrow
The message won't be send tomorrow
The message won't be sended tomorrow
Change into passive form: We could unlock the door if we had the key.
The door could be unlocked if we had the key
The door could unlocked if we had the key
The door could be unlock if we had the key
The door could be locked if we had the key
Change into passive form: We should drink 2 liters of water a day
2 liters of water should be drunk a day
2 liters of water should be drinked a day
2 liters of water should be drank a day
2 liters of water should be drink a day