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Unit 6 Irregular Verbs (6) +\-

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did the girl win a silver medal?
No, she didn't win a silver medal.
Did the girl win a gold medal?
Yes, she did. She won a gold medal.
Did she say Hello in the morning?
Yes, she did. She said Hello in the morning.
Did they say Good Bye to their dad?
Yes, they did. They said Good Bye to their dad.
Did you see the cycling competition last Monday?
No, I didn't. I didn't see the cycling competition last Monday.
Did you see the gymnastics competition?
Yes, I did. I saw the gymnastics competition.
Did the girls see the judo competition?
Yes, they did. They saw the judo competition.
Did the man come from the USA?
No, he didn't. He didn't come from the USA. 
Did the man come from Ukraine?
Yes, he did. He came from Ukraine.
Did they come home at 5?
Yes, they did. They came home at 5
Did you go to the beach last Sunday?
Yes, we did. We went to the beach last Sunday.
Did you go to the zoo last Sunday?
No, we didn't. We didn't go to the zoo last Sunday.
Did they go to the cinema yesterday?
Yes, they did. They went to the cinema yesterday.
Did the woman sit on her chair yesterday?
Yes, she did. She sat on her chair yesterday.
Did your teachers say Good morning?
No, they didn't. They didn't say Good morning.
Did you see monkeys at the zoo last month?
No, we didn't. We didn't see monkeys at the zoo last month.
Did she win a silver medal last competition?
No, she didn't. She didn't win a silver medal last competition.
Did they go to the shop yesterday?
No, they didn't. They didn't go to the shop.
Did the woman sit on her sofe yesterday?
No, she didn't. She didn't sit on her sofa.