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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can't stop now but I'll ______ _______ later on my way home from work. (pay a short visit)
look in / drop by
I was offered a job in Leeds but I _______ it _______ because I didn't want to move away from Hastings. (refused it)
turned it down
I tried smoking a pipe once, but I never really ______ ________ it. (liked)
took to
No one really believed it when the news came through that the "Titanic" had ______ _______ on her maiden voyage. (sunk)
gone down
If you _________ _______ 25 from 100, you're left with 75. (subtract)
take away
"How old is Eva?" "I'm not sure, but she must be ______ ______ _______ forty." (nearly)
getting on for
You're not going to wear a mini-skirt are you, Jane? They _____ ______ years ago. (stopped being fashionable)
went out
The power point was behind the piano, which made it very difficult to _____ _____ (reach)
get at
"What does 'misogynist' mean, Allan?" "I've no idea, Jill. You'd better ______ it _______ in the dictionary. (find out its meaning)
look it up
John can't come with us tonight after all. It seems he's _____ ______ _____ a cold. (caught)
come down with
I think I'll go somewhere for the weekend. Things have been ______ me _______ lately, so a change of air will do me good. (making me depressed)
getting me down
Clive was really ________ _________ when he failed his proficiency exam (upset)
cut up
Let's _______ ________ Paul and Jan tonight. It's been ages since we last saw them. (go and visit)
call on
The house I live in __________ _________ _________ the l5th century. (dates from)
goes back to
We knew he wasn't English as his accent _______ him _______ (betrayed him)
let him down
You'd better not drink that milk, Joe. It's ______ _______ (turned sour)
gone off
If he says that again I'll _______ him _______ — I swear it! (kill him)
do him in