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surprise the of revealed. day Festival a is The big
The day of the Festival a big surprise is revealed.
of Quasimodo. the the of Guard Paris, helps and Phoebus, Esmeralda Captain
Phoebus, the Captain of the Guard of Paris, helps Esmeralda and Quasimodo.
and him She to Quasimodo and their freedom happiness. decides help promises
She decides to help Quasimodo and promises their freedom and happiness.
and Quasimodo immediately gargoyle help to decide Esmeralda. the
Quasimodo and the gargoyle immediately decide to help Esmeralda.
in hides the and cathedral Quasimodo. meets She
She hides in the cathedral and meets Quasimodo.
a escaping Esmeralda, gipsy is Captain Mayor’s the the of guard. girl, from
Esmeralda, a gipsy girl, is escaping from the Captain of the Mayor’s guard
mean Monsieur Richmond, hates of authority gypsies. city, the the
Monsieur Richmond, the mean authority of the city, hates gypsies.
bell has in locked life. He the tower all been his
He has been locked in the bell tower all his life
Notre-Dame Cathedral. is deformed of the bell-ringer Quasimodo
Quasimodo is the deformed bell-ringer of Notre- Dame Cathedral.
place story in takes Paris. the of This city
This story takes place in the city of Paris