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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is it important to do things to reduce pollution?
Which type of pollution causes infections? (water or air pollution)
water pollution
Water pollution is the _________ of the quality of water
Name the types of pollution
Water, air, soil, light, noise
TRUE OR FALSE: Between 50 and 60 million people die because of water pollution
TRUE OR FALSE: There's only 1% of water that we can drink on earth
Name 3 things that we can do to reduce water pollution
save water, turn off running taps, check for leakage, always pick up your trash
Name two diseases that can be caused by water pollution
Hepatitis, cholera
Name an unnatural source of water pollution
trash, pesticides chemical fertilizers, factories, oil spills
TRUE OR FALSE: Pesticides are a natural source of water pollution
Which are 3 natural sources of water pollution?
animal waste, floods, volcano eruptions, algae blooms, storms
Water pollution is harmful for the __________ ecosystem
Name a consequence air pollution has on people
eye irritation, cancer, heart disease, birth problems
TRUE OR FALSE: Air pollution can cause asthma
Name two things we can do to reduce air pollution
walking, using the bike, use less cars, etc.
TRUE OR FALSE: 42 million people die every year because of air pollution
TRUE OR FALSE: Smog reduces visibility
Smog is more common in ________ and places with more inhabitants
What is SMOG?
Smoke + fog It's an unnatural fog/smoke in the environment
Which activities do humans do to cause air pollution?
Deforestation, smoking, driving cars, etc.
Which natural disaster can cause air pollution?
Volcanic eruptions / forest fires
TRUE OR FALSE Pollution can only be caused by humans