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Review GRAMMAR UNIT 5-8 _BI4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer the question: What are we going to do? - We .................. have a picnic.
are going to have
Complete the question: Where .... he .... go?
is - going to
Rewrite the sentences using where: I meet my friends here.
It's the place where I meet my friends here.
Complete the sentence: Vet / the person / look after / animal.
Vet is the person who looks after animals.
Make a question for an answer: ...? - I don't need many peppers.
How many peppers do you need?
Complete the sentence: cheese / He / much / hasn't / got /.
He hasn't got much cheese.
Answer the question: How many bottles of water do we need?
We need three bottles of water.
I don't need ..... cartons of milk.
a lot of / many
We don't need ............. ice cream.
a lot of / much
Make a question for an answer: ...? - We've got 3 tins of tuna.
How many tins of tuna have we got? / How much tuna have we got?
How much / How many tuna do we need?
How much
Answer the question: Why did you go to the chemist's?
I went to the chemist's to buy som cough sweets / cough medicines.
Make a question for an answer: ...? - I went to the travel agent's to choose a holiday.
Why did you go to the travel agent's.
A scientist is the person ...... do experiments.
Put the words in order: "do / what / tells / person / the / Sophie / to / everybody / who / is / who".
Sophie is the person who tells everybody what to do.
The town hall is the place ........... people can get married.
This is the place where I go swimming and other sports.
It's the sports centre.
We don't ........... (have to / has to ) ......................
We don't have to feed the bears.
You ...........(have / has / don't have ) to clean the cages.
What are they going to do?
They are going to film dogs.
Where are they going to go?
They are going to go to the zoo.