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Revision 2C Unit 6

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is the odd word?: Your room's a mess. Please (clean up / pick up / unplug) everything right now!
Which is the odd word: Pollution (harms / protects / damages) the Earth.
Complete with SECOND CONDITIONAL: If we had a garden, I (plant) carrots and potatoes
would plant
Complete with SECOND CONDITIONAL: If I (be) you, I would reuse these bottles.
Complete with SECOND CONDITIONAL: If the girls (ask) the teacher to help, he would help them.
Complete with SECOND CONDITIONAL: We (buy) the tickets if Andrew gave us the money.
would buy
Complete with SECOND CONDITIONAL: Our beach would be pretty if people (not throw) rubbish.
didn't throw
Complete with SECOND CONDITIONAL: If you lived near me, we (meet) each other every day.
would meet
Complete with FIRST CONDITIONAL: Unless we are careful now, we ( not have) enough clean water or energy in the future.
will not (won't) have
Complete with FIRST CONDITIONAL: If a student (not want) to be part of the programme, the teacher will ask that student to come to "green" lessons.
doesn't want
Complete with FIRST CONDITIONAL: It's important because the Earth will be a cleaner place if people (recycle) their rubbish
Complete with FIRST CONDITIONAL: If there is enough space in the next edition of the newspaper, I (write) an article about it.
will write
Complete with Present Continuous with future meaning: I (not go) on a skiing holiday this winter
am not going
Complete with Present Continuous with future meaning: Brad wants a new car. He (sell) his old car soon.
is selling
Complete with Present Continuous with future meaning: (your friends, move) to their new flat next week?
Are your friends moving...?
Complete with Present Continuous with future meaning: We (leave) on the 8 o'clock train to Paris
are leaving
Write questions with the following words and WILL: the teacher / give / four tests / next term?
will the teacher give four tests next term?
Write questions with the following words and WILL: our basketball team / win / the championship?
will our basketball team win the championship?
Write questions with the following words and WILL: mobile phones / cost / more money / in the future?
will mobile phones cost more money in the future?
Write questions with the following words and WILL: the weather / be / sunny / tomorrow?
Will the weather be sunny tomorrow?
More than two people can ride a motorbike. True or false?
a helicopter is usually larger than an aeroplane. True or false?
A cruise ship is heavier than a yacth. True or false?
A lorry is always longer than a tram. True or false?
A scooter is a type of boat. True or false?
A jeep is a type of car. True or false?