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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We don't have _______ food. I have to do the shopping.
I can't eat this. It has _______ salt.
too much
Don't worry! I have _______ money. I will pay for you.
I ate _______ food. Now I don't feel good.
too much
Our teacher gave us _______ exercises. I will never finish!
too many
The coffee is _______ (hot) to drink. I will drink it when it cools down.
too hot
I can't hear the concert. There are _______ people.
too many
You watch _______ TV. It isn't healthy.
too much
She ate _______ sweets. Now she has a stomachache.
too many
I don't have _______ time. I need to hurry.
I don't have _______ money. I can't go out tonight.
I can't go out tonight because I have _______ homework.
too much
We have _______ eggs to make a cake because I bought some this morning.
She was _______ (tired) to play with her friends.
too tired
Sally is _______(young) to drive a car. She is only 4.
too young