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Weather vocabulary

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tommy is only there when we're having fun.
He's a fair weather friend.
He's as cold as ice.
He's a cloud with a silver lining.
He's as right as rain.
My new classmate is very shy. She doesn't say much. What can I do to ____ ?
break the ice
weather the storm
be a fair weather friend
get wind of her
There'll be some .... tonight so drive slowly - you won't be able to see very far ahead.
döner kebabs
There'll be a cold start of the day in Scotland as people wake up to .... on the ground.
To be more efficient, farmers have to spray ..... on their crops.
exhaust fumes
nuclear waste
It............ rain tomorrow,but I'm not sure.
is going to
Name three natural disasters.
Earthquake, flood, drought, tornado, tsunami, forest fire, land slide
An antonym for "warm weather" is...
cold/cool weather
If we want to know what the weather is like we should watch a...
weather forecast.
weather foreseeing.
A short period of rain is called a...
Temperatures .... during summer.
eat pizza
A fire burning in an area of land with many trees, that is difficult to control and sometimes spreads quickly is a f..... f..... .
forest fire
A storm with thunder and lightning and usually heavy rain is a ...
An occasion when a volcano explodes, and flames and rocks come out of it is a....
volcanic eruption
volcanic explosion
volcanic party
volcanic disaster
Look at him! He has a face like thunder! --> What does this mean?
He looks very angry
You know... there's a saying my grandma always repeats. You should always save up for rainy days and this means...
you should put money aside for when you are in trouble.
you should always keep enough umbrellas at home.
you should save rain water to use to do the dishes with.
you should spend a lot of money on rainy days.
Math gives me headaches. I'm always in a fog. --> What does this mean?
I'm always confused
I'm always excited
I'm always disappointed
We're going on holiday so I'm on cloud nine. --> What does this mean?
I'm extremely happy.
I'm very sad.
I don't know what the weather will be like.
I'm nervous.
What's the weather like?
it's freezing.
it's boiling.
it's cool.
it's windy.
What's the weather like?
It's windy.
It's boiling.
It's freezing.
I love sushi.
A large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain is an...
snow storm
A blizzard is a ...
a severe snowstorm with high winds.
a thunderstorm with lots of rain.
a period of dry and hot weather.
a type of pizza people in the south of Italy often eat.
A strong wind that blows in a circle is a
beautiful day to go to the beach.
When you move somebody from a dangerous place you...
evacuate them.
evaporate them.
replace them.
cook paella for them because they're probably hungry.
A sudden violent movement of the ground is described as an....
What is a drought?
A long period without rain.
A large amount of water spread from a river, sea etc. that covers an area is a....
A very strong wind in the west Atlantic is called a...