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Name this Actor or Actress

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this actress?
Charlize Theron
Who is this actress?
Gabrielle Union
Who is this actress?
Zoe Saldana
Who is this actress?
Penelope Cruz
Who is this actress?
Tessa Thompson
Who is this actress?
Jessica Alba
Who is this actress?
Emma Stone
Who is this actress?
Megan Fox
Who is this actress?
Margot Robbie
Who is this actress?
Elizabeth Olsen
Who is this actress?
Emma Watson
Who is this actress?
Scarlett Johansson
Who is this actress?
Alexandra Daddario
Who is this actor?
Jennifer Lawrence
Who is this actor?
Hugh Jackman
Who is this actor?
Chris Evans
Who is this actor?
Chris Hemsworth
Who is this actor?
Henry Cavill
Who is this actor?
Leonardo DiCaprio
Who is this actor?
Robert Downey Jr.
Who is this actor?
Johnny Depp
Who is this actor?
Tom Cruise
Who is this actor?
Vin Diesel
Who is this actor?
Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson