Edit Game
Unit 9 (Svida)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change into reported speech: " What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked me
He asked me what I was doing the next day / the following day / the day after
Change into reported speech: "I'll come and help you at twelve" I said to my mum
I said to my mum (that) I woudl come and help at twelve
Change into reported speech: "Where do you live?" my aunt asked my boyfriend
My aunt asked my boyfriend where he lived
Change into reported speech: "Could you explain number four, please?" the boy asked the teacher
The boy asked the teacher if he/she could explain him number four
Change into reported speech: "She got married last year" she told
She told (that) she had got married the previous year/ the year before
Change into reported speech: "Please get me a cup of tea" the man asked the waitress
The man asked the waitress to get him a cup of tea
Change into reported speech: "I'm leaving tomorrow" my sister said.
My sister said she was leaving the following day/ the next day/ the day after
Change into reported speech: "Don't do it" the teacher told.
The teacher told not to do it.
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: Julie was very pleased to see that John (clean) the kitchen
had cleaned
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: We got home to find out that someone (break) into the house
had broken
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: When I (arrive) at the station, the train (already leave)
arrived, had already left
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: I went to the library, then I (buy) some milk and went home
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: When I (get) to the airport, I discovered I (forget) my passport
got, had forgotten
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: Last year Juan (pass) all his exams.
Complete with past simple or past past perfect: We (already eat) when John (come) home
had already eaten, came
Addition therapy and treatment is a type of clinic. True or false?
How do you say médico de cabecera in English?
family doctor
Ambulatory surgery is a service you can find within a health centre. True or false?
How do you say matrona in English?
Midwife is a type of clinic. True or false?
Healthcare facility which provides a wide range of primary care and community services in towns and villages. Which is it?
Health centre o medical center
Healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients. Which is it?
A clinic works 24 hours a day. True or false?
A hospital can be a private or a government building. True or false?