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Mixed tenses A2.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is Hannah's birthday today. ____ we _____ ___ _________ it? (CELEBRATE)
Are we going to celebrate it?
We studied a lot for the exam. We ___ ____ ______ __ _____ (FAIL)
are not going to fail
I haven't got a coat. I ____ ______ ___ ___cold (BE)
am going to be
Remember the train _______ at 6 o'clock, don't be late. (LEAVE)
We ___ ________ to the circus. Im sure we ____ ________ a great time (GO. HAVE)
arre going; will have
I ___ ________ my cousins next weekend . (VISIT)
am visiting
I _____ ________ when a loud thunder ______ me up. (SLEEP; WAKE UP)
was sleeping; woke me up
I _________ to call you at 5pm yesterday. What _______ you ________? (CALL, DO)
tried; what were you doing
I ________ an incredible movie last night (WATCH)
_____ you ______ the dishes yesterday? (DO)
Did you do
I ___________ any fruit last week, that's unhealthy (NOT EAT)
didn't eat
My grandparents __________ to our house to give me my birthday present. (DRIVE, GIVE)
I ________ a castle on the beach yesterday (BUILD)
____ Janet ______ her homewrok at the moment? (DO)
Is Janet doing....
____ Janet ______ her homewrok at the moment? (DO)
Is Janet doing....
We can't go yo the beach now because it ___ _______ (RAIN)
is raining
I _____ _______ a letter to mu uncle for his birthday (WRITE)
am writing
The baby ____ __________. Please, be quiet. (SLEEP)
is sleeping
My dad's got the day off, so he ____ __________ today (WORK)
isn't working
________ your brother at school? (BE)
She _________ doing sport. (PREFER)
My sister _____ ______ shopping. (NOT LIKE)
doesn't like
Which company ______ your dad _______ for? (WORK)
does your dad work
Tom and Ben __________ to the cinema very often, maybe three times a year. (GO)