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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to Food 4 Less / at the moment / go / Robert and Mark
Robert and Mark are going to Food 4 Less at the moment. At the moment, Roberto and Mark are going to Food 4 Less.
math / not study / Luis / this semester.
Luis isn't studying math this semester. / This semester, Luis is not studying math.
this week / in Indio / work / I
I am working in Indio this week. / This week, I am working in Indio.
not shop / Ana / today / at the mall
Ana isn't shopping at the mall today. / Today, Ana is not shopping at the mall.
They ________________ (read) about Mexico right now.
are reading / 're reading
Yoko and Hiro ________________(not read) about Japan right now.
are not reading / aren't reading
They _______________ (sit) in the Ferris wheel.
are sitting / 're sitting
Mr and Mrs. Simpson _________________ (not stand) in the Ferris Wheel.
aren't standing
They ________________ (play) now.
are playing / 're playing
Marcus and Julius __________________ (not sleep) now.
are not sleeping / aren't sleeping