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Gerund / Infinitive - speaking

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do you suggest ________ (travel) on holiday?
Do you ever spend time _______ (gossip)?
Are you keen on ______ (sing) in shower?
Are you good at _______ (tell) jokes?
Do you keep _______ (sleep) when other family members are awake?
Why is that important ______ (keep) ______ (work) during the war?
to keep; working
What do you avoid _______ (watch)? Why?
What do you recommend _____ (do) on anniversary?
Do you think you should _____ (share) house duties with other family members?
Can you _____ (do) a handstand?
Is it healthy _______ (be) a vegetarian?
to be
Do you know how _______ (play) a musical instrument?
to play
Do you know what ______ (eat) for dinner today?
to eat
Did you promise ______ (do) anything , but then failed?
to do
If a stranger offered ______ (take) a million dollars, would you accept?
to take
What do you plan _____ (do) when Ukraine wins the war?
to do
Have you ever forgotten ______ (do) anything important?
to do
Have you learnt ______ (drive)?Why not? / Was that difficult?
to drive
Do you want _______ (learn) anything in future?
to learn
What did you decide _______ (not do) in the future?
not to do