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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where / you / go shopping tomorrow?
Where are you going to go shopping?
What time / the movie / start?
What time is the movie going to start?
How many ice creams / you / eat?
How many ice creams are you going to eat?
What / you/ do this weekend?
What are you going to do this weekend?
Are we going to have an exam tomorrow? Yes,___
Yes, we are!
Are they going to play hockey tomorrow? No,...
No, they're not.
Are you going to make pizza tonight? No, ___
No, I'm not.
Are you going to celebrate your birthday? Yes,___
Yes, I am.
We/ go to Portaventura in the summer.
We're going to Portaventura in the summer.
We/ not/ get up early on Saturday
We aren't going to wake up early on Saturday.
We/ watch football
We are going to watch football.
You/ do your homework?
Are you going to do your homework?
I/ not/ do any sport tonight
I'm not going to do any sport tonight
You/ read a book?
Are you going to read a book?
You/ play computer games tonight?
Are you going to play computer games tonight?
I/ not/ meet my friends this weekend
I'm not going to meet my friends this weekend
She/ not/ play tennis next week
She isn't going to play tennis next week
We/ visit our friends next month
We are going to visit our friends next month
They/ play football tomorrow
They are going to play football tomorrow.
You/ make dinner?
Are you going to make dinner?
She/ not /go to bed early tonight
She isn't going to go to bed early tonight
He/ visit grandma at the weekend?
Is he going to visit grandma at the weekend?