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Phrasal Verbs for Pre-Intermediate and Intermedi ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Look after" means... A. help sb B. take care of sb C. look like sb
"Pick somebody up" means... A. take sb to somewhere they want to go B. help sb to do sth C. go somewhere to meet sb
"Put up with" means... A. disagree with sb B. change sth C. accept an annoying situation
"See somebody off" means... A. go to the place where someone is leaving B. go to the place where you take care of sb C. go to the place where you spend time with sb
"Deal with" means... A. talk about sth B. help with a problem C. do sth to fix a problem
"Look forward to" means... A. look at sth to find out B. feel excited about sth C. take care of sth
"Get around" means... A. study and learn in the same city B. travel to different places in the same city C. start a new hobby in the same city
"Set off" means... A. start a journey B. repair C. travel to different places
Big supermarkets are causing small shops to _____ down.
You can heat _____ the soup in the microwave.
You should _____ up early in the morning and do morning exercise to be healthier.
He is a good father. He always _____ care _____ his children well.
takes care of
What's the opposite phrasal verb of get off?
get on
What's the opposite phrasal verb of pick up?
drop off
What's the opposite phrasal verb of go away?
come back
What's the opposite phrasal verb of sit down?
stand up
What's the opposite phrasal verb of check in?
check out
What's the opposite phrasal verb of put on?
take off
What's the opposite phrasal verb of stay in?
go out
What's the opposite phrasal verb of turn up?
turn down
"They arrived so late to the restaurant. They didn't _____ _____ until we had started dessert!"
turn up
"I'm going to _____ _____ cigarettes! They're too unhealthy and expensive."
give up
"It's hard to _____ _____ _____ his behaviour - he's really annoying. I can't take it anymore!"
put up with
"This is interesting. Please, _____ _____ (continue) talking."
go on
"Do you _____ _____ _____ your sister? She seems like a nice person."
get on with
"Please _____ _____ your shoes when you come inside."
take off
"You've been on holiday for one month. When do you think you'll _____ _____ to work?"
go back
start living in a new home
move in
be standing and then sit in a chair.
sit down
A: "There's a salesperson at the door" B: "Tell them to _____ _____."
go away