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Craft Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ASK THE QUESTION. Tina make a toy with paper and glue.
How did Tina make a toy?
ASK THE QUESTION. Levi Strauss invented the jeans.
What did Levi Strauss invent?
ASK THE QUESTION. Tom and John made a model.
What did Tom and John make?
ASK THE QUESTION. I played football with my best friend.
Who did you play football with?
ASK THE QUESTION. Dana ate 3 cookies.
How many cookies did Dana eat?
ASK THE QUESTION. Yesterday we played tennis?
What did you do yesterday?
ASK THE QUESTION. We had pizza for lunch.
What did you have for lunch?
ASK THE QUESTION. I went to the cinema on Sunday.
When did you go to the cinema?
ASK THE QUESTION. I went with my family?
Who did you go with?
ASK THE QUESTION. They went to the park
Where did they go?
___ there ___ wire?
Is there any wire?
___ there ___ drawing pins?
Are there any drawing pins?
There aren't ___ paintbrushes.
There is ___ card on the table.
There ___ some ___
There is some wire
There ___ some ___
There are some paintbrushes
There ___ any ___.
Thre isn't any paint
There  ___ any ___. 
There aren't any straws
There ___ any ___.
Thre isn't any tape. 
There ___ some ___ ___
There are some paper clips.
___ there ___ card?
Is there some card?
There ___ some ___.
There is some glue. 
There ___ any ___.
There isn't any string. 
___ there ___ ___?
Is there a stapler?
___there any ___ ___?
Are there any drawing pins?