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At the circus

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A large, soft ball of sugar that has been spun in a special machine to form long fibers which are collected on a stick.
It's the cotton candy.
It's a cabin in the wood.
It's False.
A space surrounded on all sides by bars or wire, in which animals or birds are kept.
It's a cage.
A small piece of paper or card given to someone, to show that they have paid for the circus show.
It's a ticket.
He is a trapeze artist.
It's False.
What are these objects called?
They're the juggling pins (clubs or batons).
Who is he?
He is a knife thrower.
Who is he?
He's a strongman.
What is it called?
A cannon
Is it a hoop earring?
No, it isn't. It's a flaming hoop.
The place where the tickets of are sold.
The ticket booth
Who are they?
They're the trapeze artists.
A short horizontal bar hanging from two ropes, on which acrobats perform.
The trapeze
A person who juggles objects in order to entertain people.
A juggler
The person who introduces the performers at a circus
The ringmaster
A person who performs tricks as entertainment, such as making things seem to appear and disappear.
A magician
A person who walks along a tightrope (= a tightly stretched wire or rope fixed high above the ground)
A tightrope walker
He is a magician.
It's False
The seal is balancing the ball.
It's True
Can you ride a unicycle?
Yes, I can/ No, I can't
What is it?
It's a unicycle.