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Nearpod Vocab: Inventions and the Industrial Rev ...

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What do you think you need to have a good quality of life?
Name 3 invention ideas you wish were real
Name 3 cities you think would be a desirable place to live.
Name 3 things you envision (預想的) about the future.
Name 3 things people have dependence on.
What are the top 3 geographic (地理) places you like to visit?
Name 3 inventions you think have ingenuity 匠心
Paterson NJ was a ______ place to establish a mill town.
desirable 令人想要的
geographic 地理
ingenuity 匠心
quality of life 生活質量
James Watt was a Scottish ____ and one of the early inventors in the revolution.
innovator 創新者
inventor 發明者
philosophers 哲學家
desirable 令人想要的
The Industrial Revolution brought with a need to _______ a lot of patents(專利).
finance 金融
dependence 依賴
inventor 發明者
philosopher 哲學家
Benjamin Franklin was an _____ who made many ____.
inventor 發明者 innovations 創新
inventors 發明者 innovation 創新
invention 發明 innovator 創新者
In Paterson NJ they ______ the power of the falls to power local mills.
harnessed 駕馭的
envisioned 預想的
geographic 地理
finance 金融
Alexander Hamilton established(已確立的) Paterson NJ as a center for ____ in 1792.
manufactures 製成品
envisioned 預想的
philosopher 哲學家
innovator 創新者
Many people experienced an increase in their _______ during this time.
quality of life 生活質量
finance 金融
dependence 依賴
desirable 令人想要的
During the industrial revolution many _____ and ____ were made.
inventions 發明 innovations 創新
established 已確立的 harnessed 駕馭的
inventor 發明者 innovator 創新者
ingenuity 匠心dependance 依賴
The _____ took place from 1760 to 1840.
Industrial Revolution 工業革命
innovations 創新
ingenuity 匠心
dependance 依賴