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Easter Lol Doll prepositions of place

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kostium zajÄ…czka jest na kotku.
The bunny costume is on the cat.
Wielkanocna lalka jest obok kawy.
The Easter doll is next to the coffee.
Pisanka jest nad koszyczkiem wielkanocnym.
The Easter egg is over the Easter basket.
Wielkanocna lalka jest obok kotka.
The Easter doll is next to the cat.
Pisanka jest w koszyczku wielkanocnym.
The Easter egg is in the Easter basket.
Wielkanocna lalka jest na sukience.
The Easter doll is on the dress.
Koszyczek wielkanocny jest obok lalki.
The Easter basket is next to the doll.
Lalka jest nad pisankÄ….
The doll is over the Easter egg.
Lalka jest pod butami.
The doll is under the shoes.
Wielkanocna lalka jest na bluzce.
The Easter doll is on the blouse.
Lalka jest w koszyczku wielkanocnym.
The doll is in the Easter basket.
Lalka jest na pisance.
The doll is on the Ester egg.
Ogonek zajÄ…czka jest na lalce.
The bunny tail is on the doll.