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Complex sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a complex sentence using 'since as the subordinate conjunction. (Use the gif to help you think of ideas!)
Since I am hungry, I will make bacon and eggs.
Make a complex sentence using 'Although' as the subordinate conjunction. (Use the gif to help you think of ideas!)
Although it is a long walk, I am determined to make it to the top.
What is the difference between a compound and a complex sentence?
A compound sentence has 2 independent clauses. A complex sentence has 1 independent clause and 1 DEPENDENT clause.
List 5 subordinate conjunctions
After, Although, As, When, While, Until, Because, Before, If, Since
Make a complex sentence using 'after' as the subordinate conjunction. (Use the gif to help you think of ideas!)
After reading The Giver, I felt confused.
Identify the INDEPENDET clause. - Since Lei can't talk to his friends in person, he communicates with them online.
he communicates with them online.
Identify the DEPENDENT clause in the following statement. - As Sharon was tapping on the bus with her Myki, Jenny shouted out 'HELLO!'
As Sharon was tapping on the bus with her Myki,
Complete the complex sentence using the the picture provided... 'Since the weather is bad,_______'.
I'll have to stay indoors and play board games.
Make a complex sentence using 'if' as the subordinate conjunction. (Use the gif to help you think of ideas!)
If I am bored, I will go for a run!
Identify the INDEPENDET clause. - Simon is the taller than Yolanda until Yolanda wears high heels.
Simon is the taller than Yolanda.
Identify the DEPENDENT clause in the following statement. - Abdullah likes watching Miraculous because the characters and storyline are entertaining.
because the characters and storyline are entertaining
Complete the complex sentence using the the picture provided... 'Since we are in lockdown, ______'.
I haven't been able to exercise as much.
Make a complex sentence using 'when' as the subordinate conjunction. (Use the gif to help you think of ideas!)
When I am hungry, I will fry some rice.
Complete the complex sentence using the the picture provided... 'Before I got up from bed, I_____
had a dream about lockdown being lifted.
Identify the DEPENDENT clause in the following statement. - Although Claire invited Xin to a party, Xin did not want to go.
Although Claire invited Xin to a party
Identify the INDEPENDENT clause in the following statement. - Rudanshu like to sing while he washes the dishes.
Rudanshu likes to sing.