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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Oh no! What fell?
The monitor fell.
Where was the computer made?
It was made in Japan. (any place name is ook)
Where did you buy the speakers?
I bought the speakers at (store name).
What did he take to get fixed?
He took the keyboard to get fixed.
What did they buy?
They bought a laptop.
I bought a new _______ to select and click on things on my monitor.
I can't type anything on my computer. What is broken?
Your keyboard is broken.
I can't hear any sound from my computer. What could be broken?
The speaker could be broken.
The oldest computer found comes from Greece and was made more than 2000 years ago.
What can you do if your mouse is broken?
many answers
Would you rather know everything about computers or animals? Why?
I would rather know everything about......because...
Would you rather have a new tablet or a new laptop? Why?
I would rather......because...
Would you like to have a job working with computers when you are older?
Yes, I would. /No, I won't.
Who knows the most about computers in your family?
many answers
How do computers make our life easier?
many answers
What do you use your computer for?
many answers
You need a connection to use the....
A virus can hurt your computer.
What is this called?
USB stick/USB drive/memory stick/pen drive
What is this?
It is a printer.
What are these?
They are monitors.
What is this?
It is a scanner.
It is a scunner.
It is a scaner.
What is this called?
It is microphone.
It is a microspeaker.
What is this called?
It is called a mouse.
What is this called?
It is called a keyboard.