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B1 Unit 12

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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FIND THE MISTAKE - You would have answered the phone if I had called?
Would you have answered the phone if I had called?
FIND THE MISTAKE - If we have seen him, we would have said, ‘hello’.
If we had seen him, we would have said, ‘hello’
FIND THE MISTAKE - If you listened, you wouldn’t have made mistakes.
If you had listened, you wouldn’t have made mistakes.
FIND THE MISTAKE - We are allow to play football here.
We are allowed to play football here.
FIND THE MISTAKE My mum didn’t to let me go out last night.
My mum didn’t let me go out last night.
I didn’t go to the bank. I didn’t need any money.
I would have gone to the bank if I had needed money
I was hungry. I didn’t have breakfast.
If I had had breakfast, I wouldn’t have been hungry.
My son didn’t call. I thought something was wrong
I wouldn’t have thought something was wrong if my son had called.
I didn’t buy a present. Someone stole my wallet
if someone hadn’t stolen my wallet, I would have bought a present.
Tom was ill. He failed the exam.
If Tom hadn’t been ill, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.
You can’t ride your bike on the path "We......"
aren’t allowed to ride our bikes on the path
Tom can use his dad’s car to go to the seaside "Tom’s dad ......"
lets him use his car to go to the seaside
Don’t speak loudly in the library. "People......."
aren’t allowed to speak loudly in the library
We can’t use calculators during the Maths test. "The teachers......"
don’t let us use calculators during the Maths test
You can’t use your phone in the cinema. "Nobody....."
is allowed to use their phone in the cinema