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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you keep working hard, you will PERFECT your grammar skills.
sounds like "per-FECT" (stress on the second syllable)
You got 100% on the test! PERFECT!
sounds like "PER-fect" (stress on the first syllable)
Please WIND up the cord and put the computer away.
sounds like "wiind" (long i)
What a storm! There is so much rain and WIND.
sounds like "wind" (short i)
I want to send you something. What's your ADDRESS?
sounds like "AD-dress" (stress on the first syllable)
It's time for your speech. Please stand up and ADDRESS the class.
sounds like "ad-DRESS" (stress on the second syllable)
I'm crying! A TEAR is rolling down my cheek.
sounds like "teer" (long e sound)
Be careful! Don't rip or TEAR the paper.
sounds like "tare" (long a sound)
The score was 2-1. That was a CLOSE game!
sounds like "cloos" (s sound at the end)
It's noisy outside. Please CLOSE the door.
sounds like "clooz" (z sound at the end)
I DOVE into the pool.
sounds like "doov" (long o sound)
The DOVE is one of the most beautiful birds!
sounds like "duv" (short u sound)
I need some more LEAD for my pencil.
sounds like "led" (short e)
I'm first in line. I LEAD the class.
sounds like "leed" (long e)
Look at the TV! It's happening right now. It's LIVE!
sounds like "liive" (long i)
I LIVE in Hanoi.
sounds like "live" (short i)
A singer RECORDS songs in a studio.
sounds like "re-CORDS"  (stress on the second syllable)
A long time ago, people listened to music on RECORDS.
sounds like "RE-cords" (stress on the first syllable)
I READ two books yesterday.
sounds like "red" (short e)
I READ one book every day.
sounds like "reed" (long e)