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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Melisa told Belisario, "Daniel loves listening to music"
Melisa told Belisario that Daniel loved listening to music
Gabriel said, "I have 123 books"
Gabriel said that he had 123 books
Elsita told me, "They are going to fail the subject"
Elsita told me that they were going to fail the subject
Deixa said, "I eat apples and cheese everyday"
Deixa said that she ate apples and cheese everyday
Javier said, “Bees are the worst animals ever!”
Javier said that bees were the worst animals ever
Mario told Andrés, “You can’t sit with us”
Mario told Andrés that he couldn't sit with them
Christian said, “My mom will travel around the world”
Christian said that his mom would travel around the world
Teacher Isabella told us, “You need to practice the steps”
Teacher Isabella told us that we needed to practice the steps
Hernán said, “The lawyer is making the wrong decision”
Hernán said that the lawyer was making the wrong decision
Paula told Juan, “I don’t hang out with Jessica anymore”
Paula told Juan that she didn't hang out with Jessica anymore