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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say this price: $250,011.20
two hundred fifty thousand eleven dollars and twenty cents
Say this price: $13,019.70
thirteen thousand nineteen dollars and seventy cents
Say this price: $1,416.50
one thousand four hundred sixteen dollars and fifty cents
What is the difference between total and subtotal?
The subtotal is the price before shipping and tax.
If a calculator is regularly $50, and it's 20% off, how much money do you save and what's the final price??
You save $10. The final price is $40.
What is a rebate?
Discuss. (Money you get back usually after you make the purchase with a check sent to you by mail from the manufacturer, but sometimes given at point of sale)
Buy 1 get 1 half off means that if you buy two items you will get 25% off both of them. True or False?
True. Discuss.
Do you buy things online? If so, which sites do you shop at?
If a sale on a computer is $100 off, and it's regularly $699, how much is the price?
What is 60% off $20?
$12 off for a total price of $8
Where do you like to shop for clothes?
Which is the cheapest supermarket in your area?
What is a review? Do you look at reviews? For what types of things?
It's where customers talk about the quality of products and service.
What is an aisle?
It's a row of food items or other merchandise.
What is the name of the job of the person who works at the cash register?
A checker or cashier
What is a checkstand?
Where you pay for items in the store.
What is an invoice?
a receipt
Which credit cards are good?
Discuss credit card rewards.
What's the difference between quality and quantity?
Quantity is amount. Quality is how good something is.
What's the best deal you have ever found?
True or False: Special offer is the same as sale.
Which is a better price? 40% off $50 or 50% off $60?
It's the same
If a dress is regularly $40, and it's 30% off, how much money do you save?
If a jacket is regularly $30, and it's 30% off, how much money does it cost?
If a shirt is regularly $20, and it's 30% off, how much money do you save?