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Books from School

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"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a ________."
To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Kids, that now are over thirty years old, are still waiting for the letter from this book
Harry Potter books
You read it at school and cry over the prince. You read it when you are adult and cry over your life
Little Prince by Exupery
In this story people think lovers are teens, but they are not teens in that century
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
You read it when you are a kid at night. Your mom takes this book away for you to sleep. You are: "My precious! She took my precious"!
Hobbit or Lord of the Rings by Tolkien
You can argue with me, but I am sure the main character of this story is a cat!
Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"
Your first story about pirates
Treasure Island
An imaginary friend of this kid is a man of thirty who loves sweets
Junior and Carlson
She loves travelling in her dreams
Alice in Wonderland
He was the strongest man in Ancient Greece but not the smartest
This novel is about an ill person who becomes a burden to a family. Most of people see only a big cockroach
Kafka "Metamorphosis"
When your life is a dystopian reality show for a big relative
George Orwell 1984
A story about a tragic selfie from 19th century
Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
He didn't want to fall in love with a girl until she became rich
Eugene Onegin by Pushkin
This book proves that lady is depressed but not an idiot
"Idiot" by Dostoyevky
You need to know French to read this book from Russian literature
Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"
The village that was a place of funny and mysterious events
The evenings on a farm near Dikanka
They love these berries so much that all the garden was full of them
Cherry Garden
She was dressed in black and loved trains. This love was tragic
Anna Karenina