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Cause and Effect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What might happen if you lose your phone charger?
Your phone might die.
What might happen if you eat a whole package of Oreos?
You might feel sick.
What might happen if you shovel the snow from your neighbor's driveway?
They might be happy, might say thank you or even pay you.
What might happen if you you leave your windows open in the winter?
It might get really cold.
What might happen if you don't water your plants?
They might die.
What might happen if you forget to turn the water off in the bathtub?
It might overflow.
What might happen if you drive faster than the speed limit?
You might get pulled over, get a ticket.
What might happen if you don't set a timer while baking cookies?
They might burn.
What might happen if you get all your assignments done in class?
You might get good grades, not have homework.
What might happen if you are on your phone during class?
You might get in trouble, the teacher might tell you to put it away.
What might happen if you forget to put milk in the refigerator?
It might go bad.
What might happen if you study really hard for a math test?
You might get a good grade.
What might happen if you left a banana in your lunch box for 3 days?
It might go bad.
What might happen if you drop your wallet on the ground?
It could get stolen.
What might happen if you cut in front of someone in the checkout line?
They might get mad, tell you to move or get back in front of you.
What might happen if you don't put on sunscreen at the beach?
You might get sunburnt.
What might happen if you steal something from a store?
You might get in trouble, get arrested have to pay for the item you stole.
What might happen if you turn in an assignment late?
You might get a bad grade.
What might happen if you stay up really late on a school night?
You might be tired, sleep in class or have trouble paying attention.
What might happen if sleep on an air mattress with a hole in it?
It will deflate, not be comfortable.
What might happen if you yell at your friends?
They might not want to be around you or they may yell back at you.
What might happen if you don't pay attention in class?
You won't know what's going on, might not do well on tests or may not know what homework you need to do.
What might happen if you forget to lock the front door?
Someone could break in.
What might happen if you don't do your laundry?
You might run out of clothes, have to wear dirty clothes, etc.