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Natek - vocabulary revision - QUESTIONS

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What music do you listen to with rapture? What about it makes you feel that way?
Student's own answers.
Discuss social issues or challenges that often fall through the cracks in society. How can communities address these overlooked problems?
Student's own answers.
In what ways can employees feel boxed in within their careers? How can individuals break free from such constraints?
Student's own answers.
When was the last time you found yourself in a situation that you got really twisted up about?
Student's own answers.
What is the best way to get out of a vicious cycle if you find yourself caught in one?
Student's own answers.
Have you ever had to make a down payment? What was it for?
Student's own answers.
Share strategies you use to stay on top of your responsibilities and tasks on a consistent basis.
Student's own answers.
How do you strive to strike a balance between work, study, and personal life? What challenges do you face in achieving this balance?
Student's own answers.
Have you ever been accused of slacking off? How do you maintain motivation and avoid slacking off?
Student's own answers.
When might belt-tightening measures be necessary? Can you think of any examples from the business world or personal life?
Student's own answers.
What are your thoughts on presenteeism in the workplace? How does it affect individuals and organizations?
Student's own answers.
Why is having a sound command of English important in today's professional world? How does it contribute to career success?
Student's own answers.
Can you think of a person or a place with a notorious reputation? How does this reputation impact them?
Student's own answers.
What are some prevalent trends in your country at the moment? Do you think they're positive or negative?
Student's own answers.
Have you ever felt relegated to a certain role or position? How did it make you feel, and what actions did you take?
Student's own answers.
Have you ever witnessed overt discrimination? What happened?
Student's own answers.
Why is inclusive education important in today's society?
Student's own answers.
Have you recently had to dispute a decision? How did you go about it, and what was the outcome?
Student's own answers.
When was the last time you had a really gruelling day? How did you overcome the challenges?
Student's own answers.
Do you know someone who has a mania for a particular hobby or activity? What is it, and how does it affect their life?
Student's own answers.
Can you think of a recent event or news that you found alarming? Why did it concern you?
Student's own answers.
Have you ever experienced a situation of pandemonium? How did you handle it?
Student's own answers.