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ASK THE RIGHT QUESTION! Elementary - Pre-Interm ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The documentary's about desert animals.
What's the documentary about?
The baby weighs 3,2 kg.
How much does the baby weigh?
Yes, he could (play the guitar when he was 7),
Could he play the guitar when he was 7?
No, she couldn't swim when she was 5.
Could she swim when she was 5?
Yes, I am afraid of mice!
Are you afraid of mice?
Yes, he did (break his leg).  (He broke it when he fell off his bike.
Did he break his leg?
Yes, Tom was hungry last night!
Was Tom hungry last night?
I bought it at a new boutique in town. Do you like it?
Where did you get/buy that gorgeous dress?
I PREFER coffee to tea.
Which do you prefer - coffee or tea?
Yes, I can! I'm a good skier!
Can you ski well?
No, but I used to smoke a lot!
Do you smoke?
My brother - he's much taller than me.
Who is taller, you or your brother?
Sorry, I haven't got one. (I haven't got a stapler).
Have you got a stapler?
Yes, I've got one.
Have you got a sharpener?
Yes, I've got scissors. Do you need them?
Have you got any scissors ?
No, I'm not. But my husband's very good at cooking.
Are you good at cooking?
I rarely go to the cinema. Maybe once a year.
How often do you go to the cinema?
I go running TWICE A WEEK. (2 times)
How often do you go running?
I got here by bus.
How did you come / get here?
My favourite season is autumn.
What's your favourite season?
Yes, I do! I read a book every week!
Do you like reading?
I was born in Lourdes, France.
Where were you born?
I went to school in Geneva.
Where did you go to school?
Yes, I got your email.
Did you get my email?
Not any more, but I used to have a cat.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I play the trombone and the flute!
Do you play any (musical) instruments?
I speak English, Russian, French and Arabic.
Which/ What languages do you speak?
I speak SIX languages.
How many languages do you speak?
I like dramas and documentaries. No horror films!
What kind of films do you like?
My suitcase weighs 20 kg.
How much does the suitcase weigh? / How heavy is your suitcase?
What was the weather like yesterday?
No, he's an only child.
Does John have any brothers and sisters?
No, there isn't any milk in the fridge.
Is there any milk in the fridge?
There are three swimming pools in this town.
How many swimming pools are there in this town?
Yes, the exam was very difficult.
Was the exam difficult?
Yes, I was (at home yesterday).
Were you at home yesterday?
Yes, I'd like a mineral water, please.
Would like something to drink / Would you like a drink?
That man over there IS MY BOSS.
Who is that man (over there)?
We're going to the CIRCUS on Wednesday evening.
Where are you going on Wednesday evening?
JOHN has your bike.
Who has my bike?
Their son's name is Nicky.
What is their son's name?
He is unhappy BECAUSE HE HAS NO JOB.
Why is he unhappy?
We have FIVE cats.
How many cats do you have?
His brother's name is Victor.
What is his brother's name?
She was born in VENEZUELA.
Where was she born?
There are 4 people in my family.
How many people are there in your family?
She is a taxi-driver.
What is her job? What does she do?
My parents are from Switzerland
Where are your parents from?
Bananas (are my favourite fruit)
What is your favourite fruit? / What fruit do you like best?
He had bacon and eggs for breakfast.
What did he have for breakfast?
I walk my dog EVERY DAY.
How often do you walk your dog?
I am calling Mary TO SAY SORRY.
Why are you calling Mary?
He is running BECAUSE he is late.
Why is he running?
The cappuccino is 3.50 CHF
How much is the cappuccino?
(various possible questions)
I am 40 years old
How old are you?
The restaurant opens AT 7pm.
When does the restaurant open?
That is SUSAN's rabbit.
Whose is that rabbit / Whose rabbit is that?
I am fine, thank you
How are you?
She is going to the skatepark TOMORROW AFTERNOON.
When is she going to the skatepark?
The BLUE car is my car.
Which is your car? / Which car is yours?
ADAM has your phone.
Who has my phone?
Yes, I can help you.
Can you help me?
Today is cold and rainy.
What is the weather like today? / How is the weather today?
I am going to THE CINEMA.
Where are you going?
Her mother's name is Alessia.
What is her mother's name?
He is an accountant.
What is his job? / What does he do (for a living)?
I was born ON 20th DECEMBER.
When were you born?
They live IN ST. GALLEN.
Where do they live?
(various questions are possible)
Giorgio is from ROME.
Where is Giorgio from?
She PLAYED TENNIS yesterday afternoon.
What did she do yesterday afternoon? / When did she play tennis?