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Advanced 2A Learning Languages

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you think English should become an official language in your country?
Is there a lot of bad / foul language in your mother tongue? How much do you use this kind of language?
What are your feelings towards your own language?
Do you think body language is universal?
Do you think that one day there will be just one language in the world? Would the world be a better place?
How do you think language first started?
Are you good at learning languages? What makes you a good/bad learner?
What languages would you like to learn? Why?
Do you like to listen to music in other languages? Do you make an effort to understand the words?
How often to you read in another language? What kinds of things do you read?
Do you think you learn more English inside or outside the classroom? What do you on your own to improve your English?
Are some languages more beautiful to listen to than others? If so which? Are there any languages that you really don't like the sound of? Why?
What kinds of judgements do you make about people based on their accent or dialect? What does accent or dialect tell you about someone's education, background, or income?
Do you think it's ever possible to speak a language like a native? Explain your reasons.
What dialects does your language have?
Have you ever had an emotional discussion in a language that you don't speak well?
Do you think studying the grammar of a foreign language helps you to speak it?
Do you think studying the grammar of your native language is important?
Do you enjoy studying grammar?
Do you think language affects thought?
Do you think that a language other than English should be used as an "international language"?
Why is English used in so many places?
Do you think foreign language study should start as early as possible, or is it okay to start later?
Do you think foreign language study should be required?
What other languages are spoken in your nation, including minority groups and the languages of immigrants?
Would you like to raise multilingual children?
Do you know anyone who is bilingual or multilingual?
Do you think that disappearing languages should be protected or should we just let them fade away?
What language do the neighboring countries of where you live speak? Can you understand any of them?
What's your least favorite language?
What's your favorite language?
Why are you studying English? (Aside from the fact that you have to)
Is English important for an individual in your country?
Does your language have words adopted from English? Give examples.