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Intermediate 3A Transportation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the most unusual kind of transport you have ever been on?
Do you ever get travel sick?
Do you enjoy flying? Why or why not?
In general, are the roads in your country safe?
Do you think self-driving cars are the future?
What is the speed limit on the roads in your country? Is it too fast?
Are there too many cars on the road?
If you were a mode of transportation, what would you be?
What will the transportation of the future be like?
How has international transportation changed in the past few decades?
Do you think carpooling is a good idea? Have you ever done it?
How many times have you traveled by airplane?
What's the longest journey you have ever been on?
How do you get to school? How long does it take?
Do you have a bicycle? How often do you ride it? Where?
Do you think this is a good city for cyclists? Why (not)?
Have you used public transport in any other places? What was it like?
Should the minimum age for riding a motorbike be higher than for a car? Why (not)?
Do you think there should be an upper age limit for drivers? Why (not)?
What's the quickest way to get to get across your city?
Do women drive more carefully than men?
What is the nicest type of car, in your opinion?
Do you have good public transportation where you live?
Do you think that governments should encourage the use of public transportation more? How?
How could public transportation in your city be made better?
What is the most comfortable form of transportation for a long journey?
What's your favorite form of transportation?
What do you usually do on a long journey? Read? Sleep? Something else?
What do you think is the safest form of transportation? Why?
What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? Why?
What do you need to do in your country to get a driver's license?
What are the most annoying bad driving habits of drivers in your country?