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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I walk my dog every day
How often do you walk your dog?
I am calling Mary to say sorry
Why are you calling Mary?
He is running because he is late
Why is he running?
This is Anne's pencil
Whose pencil is this?
My name is Florencia
What is your name?
I am 40 years old
How old are you?
The restaurant opens at 7
When does the restaurant open?
The coffee is 100 pesos
Hos much is the coffee?
I am fine, thank you
How are you?
She is going to the gym in the evening
When is she going to the gym?
The white car is my car
Which is your car?
Adam has your phone
Who has my phone?
Yes, I can help you
Can you help me?
Today is sunny
What is the weather like today?
I am going to the cinema
Where are you going?
John's best friend is Paul
Who is John's best friend?
I am an accountant
What is your job?
I was born on May 21st
When were you born?
They live in Boston
Where do they live?
My new bike is blue
What colour is your new bike?
He is from Florida
Where is he from?
Mary is 35 years old
How old is Mary?