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Everyday English

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"It's on me." means that... 
the person speaking will pay the whole amount.
"No way!" is used for saying that...
you will definitely not do something or that something will definitely not happen.
"I have no clue!" means
you don't know or understand something.
"Now you’re talking!" is used for showing that...
you are pleased with an offer that someone is making.
"It's a deal!" is used for saying that...
you agree to something.
"A bunch of " means...
a lot of. 
"Frankly, ..." means...
to tell you the truth.
"I can't stand / take ...." means
I really don't like...
"It's my treat" means...
I'll pay.
"You shouldn't miss it!" means...
it is worth seeing, or doing.
"I bet" is used for saying that...
you understand or agree with what someone has just said.
"F.... r.....?" is used for showing that you think that someone is funny, stupid, or surprising.
For real?
"Get off on the wrong foot" means...
to make a bad start.
You say this when you want to ask about someone's recent activities."What ________ to?"
What have you been up to?
You say this when you're not sure if you know someone, but you think you might. "You l_ _ _    f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
You look familiar
You say this to suggest that someone call or e-mail you in the future."We s_____ k_____ in t_____"
We should keep in touch.
You say this when you want to offer to introduce someone to a new place. "I c___ s____ y__ a_____."
I could show you around.