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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kites in the sky sing songs with their long tails, creating melodies that make the clouds dance.
Magical floats in parades have the power to turn into giant ice cream cones, leaving everyone craving sweets.
A clumsy chef wears oven mitts on their feet instead of hands and invents the "foot-baking" technique.
I'll pass on those croissants, thanks. 
A baseball player hits a home run and ends up hitting a piñata filled with jellybeans instead.
Sounds like a fun time
A friendly mosquito only gives hugs instead of bites, leaving people feeling itchy with joy.
I'd love a mosquito hug
Ticklish lights in the park giggle when someone walks by and tickle their feet.
Cots have secret trapdoors that lead to a world of magical dreams and endless pillow fights.
Now that's a fancy cot
Dots on ladybugs' backs are actually tiny disco lights that flash in sync with their favorite tunes.
How funky!
Mischievous knots tie themselves in shoelaces just to watch people trip and do funny dances.
Those mean knots!
Mats come to life at night and have wrestling matches with the brooms and mops.
Brooms will win
Coats have hidden pockets that are portals to a parallel universe filled with talking marshmallows.
Would you still eat them?
A mischievous squirrel gets into trouble by stealing nuts from other squirrels and blaming it on the wind.
Squirrel rivalry!
Grandma knits rainbow-colored socks for her pet dinosaur who constantly loses them while tap dancing.
Tippity tap
Pits have a secret society called the "Pit Pals" who throw epic dance parties when humans aren't looking.
Armpits or avocado pits?
Boats go on secret missions to rescue lost socks from the depths of the ocean.
So that's where my socks go!
Totes can magically transform into talking totes that have witty conversations with their owners.
Totally rad
Goats have secret meetings in underground pits where they discuss their latest hairstyles.
Bring back the mohawk
Rats love to wear oversized hats and pretend to be famous rat-tographers.
No photos please!
Bats do yoga upside down and hang from tree branches during their meditation sessions.
Silly cats wear top hats and dance on their hind legs.
Nice hat, Mr. Cat