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FCE Use Of English Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't think it's a good idea to get married too early. IN I don't ................................................................... too early.
believe in marrying / getting married
Loans must be repaid in full. BACK You ................................................................... all the money.
must pay back
Thieves have burgled our house. INTO Our house ...................................................................
has been broken into
My host family will let you stay with us. UP My host family will ....................................................................
put you up with us
I've got to reduce the amount of sweets I eat. DOWN I must ................................................................... the number of sweets I eat.
cut down on
They've cancelled the wedding. OFF They have ................................................................... the wedding.
called off
His parents raised him very strictly. UP His parents ................................................................... very strictly.
brought him up
The bomb exploded early this morning OFF The bomb ................................................................... early this morning.
went off
I'm really excited about the holiday. LOOKING I ................................................................... the holiday.
am looking forward to
Were you successful in passing the exam? MANAGE Did ................................................................... the exam?
you manage to pass
Don't bother to apply for the job. POINT There ................................................................... for the job.
is no point (in) applying
I hated driving on the left at first but now it's ok. USED I ................................................................... on the left now.
am used to driving
It's really important that you pay the bill today. REMEMBER You must ................................................................... the bill today.
remember to pay
It's a pity the car is so expensive. WISH I ................................................................... so expensive.
wish the car was not
I'd prefer you to get home early tonight. RATHER I ................................................................... home early tonight.
would rather you got
I regret not inviting Cathy. ONLY If ................................................................... Cathy
only I had invited
I think taxes should be increased. TIME It ................................................................... increased
is time that taxes were
You should take an umbrella with you. BETTER You ................................................................... an umbrella with you.
had better take
I'd love to know how John is getting on. KNEW I ................................................................... how John was getting on.
wish I knew
You're tired because you keep staying up late. WERE If ................................................................... to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired.
you were to go
I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first. WERE If ................................................................... speak to the manager first
I were you I would
I won't organise the party unless you arrange the food. LONG I'll organise the party ................................................................... arrange the food.
as long as you
I only told you because I thought you would be interested. TOLD I ................................................................... you if I thought you weren't interested
would not have told
I'm afraid you can't smoke in here. ALLOWED You ................................................................... in here.
are not allowed to smoke
Perhaps we missed the correct turning. MIGHT We ................................................................... the correct turning.
might have missed
'What's your name?' he asked. KNOW He ................................................................... what my name was.
wanted to know
Steve definitely didn't write that essay. WRITTEN That essay ................................................................... by Steve.
definitely was not written
. The garage on the corner usually repairs my car. HAVE I ................................................................... by the garage on the corner.
usually have my car repaired
. They will have given him the news by now. TOLD He ................................................................... the news by now.
will have been told
We haven't arranged a date for the wedding yet. BEEN A date for the wedding ................................................................... yet.
has not been arranged
This summer has been much cooler than last year. COOL Last summer ................................................................... this year.
was not as cool as
It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen. SEEN I ................................................................... beautiful painting.
have never seen such a
The computer was too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH I ................................................................... money to buy the computer.
did not have enough
The food was so good we had to leave a tip. SUCH It ................................................................... we had to leave a tip.
was such good food (that)
ONE WORD: She was severely (WEAK) ................................. by the long illness she had.
ONE WORD: My belt feels a bit tight after that huge lunch. I think I'll have to (LOOSE) ................................. it a little.
ONE WORD: He told her that he (SYMPATHY) ................................. with her problem but couldn't do anything to help.
ONE WORD: When you take the FCE Speaking paper you will be given marks for your (ACCURATE) ................................. and also on how fluent you are.
ONE WORD: On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of (SAD) ................................. .
ONE WORD: Have you seen her magazine (COLLECT) ................................. She must have over 200 editions.
ONE WORD: The recipe says you only need to add two (SPOON) ................................. of sugar.
ONE WORD: An .............................. is someone who will be able to go through your accounts and work out how much money you have. (COUNT)
ONE WORD: She didn't become famous as a .............................. until her 17th novel was published. (NOVEL)
ONE WORD:A .............................. is someone who earns money from writing music.
ONE WORD: A person who acts for a living is called an .............................. .
The team played well in the first half. In .........., during the second half they completely lost control of the game. A contrary B contrast C context
She bumped into her ex-boyfriend in the street, .......... all her efforts to avoid him. A through B spite C despite D Although
The company is making a number of changes. In other .......... it seems that there are going to be a number of job losses. A words B ways C sayings
The law regarding dangerous driving has been changed. As a/an .......... ,more people are going to prison. A effect B result C outcome
Some people have said the play is boring. .......... the contrary, I found it absolutely fascinating A On B In C At
Life in a big city is more stressful than the country. .......... it can also be expensive. A Further B Addition C Moreover
He did hardly any work before the exam. .........., he managed to pass. A Although B Nevertheless C Despite
Studying abroad is a great opportunity. .......... the other hand, you might find yourself getting homesick. A By B In C On
There are lots of different sweets to choose from. Just ....... your pick. A make B take C do D select
She isn't going to university next year. She's had a change of ........ . A attitude B thoughts C heart D tune
Our train's been cancelled. We'll have to listen out ....... an announcement. A for B to C about D on
What do you do ....... a living? I'm a computer programmer. A as B by C for D of
Thanks for telling me about that website. I'll keep it .......... mind. A in B on C to D about
After a great deal of discussion we were all .......... agreement that we should have a party. A for B at C on D in
Could you repeat that? I couldn't quite make ....... what you were saying. A out B up C over
As time goes ....... we do more damage to the environment. A beyond B forward C by
When I saw his awful haircut I burst ....... laughing. A out B into C in
Although it was a wonderful job offer he decided to ....... it down in the end. A pass B take C turn
She didn't say goodbye before she ....... off. She must be upset about something. A switched B rang C cut
We have to ....... ahead if we want the party to be a success. A plan B go C push
You'll be able to ....... that book out of the library. A bring A take C move
Guess who I .......... into in the supermarket today? A knocked B bumped C hit D banged
The recipe for vegetable soup has a number of different .......... . A parts B components C ingredients D elements
Your father looks really different in this picture but I can .......... it's him. A know B identify C tell D choose
Could you just stand there quietly without .......... a sound? A creating B doing C causing D making
I wonder if you could .......... me a favour and carry this box for me. A make B do C give D hold
Have you .......... out the invitations to the party yet? A posted B sent C dispatched D delivered
He tried to .......... her some advice but she wouldn't listen. A give B suggest C recommend D take
I've been on a diet for 6 weeks, but I'm still the same weight. (difference) My diet has ______________________________ my weight.
made no difference to
You're too loud. Please be quiet. (noise) You ________________________. Please be quiet.
are making too much noise
She's earning a lot of money in her new job. (fortune) She ___________________________ in her new job.
earning/making a fortune
He complained to the manager about the terrible food. (made) He ___________________________ to the manager about the terrible food.
made a complaint
ONE WORD: It's mean to ______ fun of people.
ONE WORD: The wedding will _________ place in a local registry office.
ONE WORD: She's always ________ promises, but then she always breaks them!
ONE WORD: During pregnancy, some foods should be avoided _______ order to prevent harm to the unborn child.
ONE WORD: Most people nowadays have at least two email addresses: a private one, _______ instance 'hotmail' or 'gmail', and a work address.
ONE WORD: Doctors advise keeping wounds covered so ______ to prevent infection.
ONE WORD: The government are trying to encourage the use of bikes _______ of cars.
ONE WORD: Some people don't eat pork, _________ of their religious beliefs.
ONE WORD: Most insects are solitary, but some, _______ as bees and ants are social.
ONE WORD:He lost his ________________________ in the accident. (SEE)
ONE WORD:I'm really sorry. You were _______________________ in your job application. (SUCCEED)
ONE WORD:The politician's _________ really made me think about the issues. (SPEAK)
ONE WORD:Your parents really care about your ___________. (SAVE)
ONE WORD:The company made a ________ on their new product. (LOSE)
ONE WORD:We don't have any __________ that he committed the crime. (PROVE)
ONE WORD:Their ________ was a very happy one. (MARRY)
ONE WORD:You have no _________ - you must do it. (CHOOSE)
ONE WORD:People can experience ________________________ at many times during their lives, and for many reasons. (LONELY)
ONE WORD:Drivers should stop to rest during long car journeys, because ___________ can cause accidents. (TIRED)
ONE WORD:I used to find his ____________ funny, but now it really annoys me. (FORGETFUL)
ONE WORD:To my _______________________, I was offered £10,000 for my old car! (AMAZE)
ONE WORD:My friends gave me a lot of ____________________ when I was worried about my driving test. (ENCOURAGE)
ONE WORD:The interviewer asked me about my strengths and __________________. (WEAK)
ONE WORD:I woke up at 2am. The house was in complete ___________. (DARK)
ONE WORD:________________ is a problem everywhere, not just in big cities. (HOMELESS)
ONE WORD:"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make an _______________________. (ANNOUNCE)
ONE WORD:Her ______________________ of the grammar was very unclear. (EXPLAIN)
ONE WORD:It wasn't my ______________________ to offend you. (INTEND)
ONE WORD: I gave the police a _________________________ of the thief. (DESCRIBE)
ONE WORD:You need a lot of _________________________ for this job. (QUALIFY)
ONE WORD:I can't come up with a _______________________ to this problem. (SOLVE)
ONE WORD:My children never show ______________________ for anything I do! (APPRECIATE)
ONE WORD: He sometimes _____ across as a bit stupid, but he's actually very intelligent.
ONE WORD: I ______ out with my sister when she borrowed my clothes without asking.
ONE WORD: Susan and Steve had a fight last week, but they've _______ up with each other now.
ONE WORD: William went travelling round the world, but he had to come home when he ________ out of money.
ONE WORD: Children often ______ up to celebrities like football players.
ONE WORD: Don't let your boss speak to you like that. You should __________ up for yourself.
stand, stick
ONE WORD: I don't really get ____ with my boss - he's really aggressive.
on, along
ONE WORD: I grew _______ of playing with dolls when I was 10.
ONE WORD: I should really cut down _______ coffee. I can never sleep at night.
ONE WORD: We need to ______ up with a solution to our problem.
ONE WORD: She offered me the job, but I _______ it down.
ONE WORD: I'm late because the train _______ down and I had to get another one.
ONE WORD: I'll buy a house and ________ down in a few years.
ONE WORD: You mustn't rely on her - she always _______ people down.
ONE WORD: I ________ up in a small town in Scotland.
ONE WORD: The party started well, but I ________ up fighting with my best friend.
ONE WORD: It's bad manners to ______ up the topic of religion at the dinner table.
ONE WORD: He's depressed because he's _______ up with his girlfriend.
split, broken
ONE WORD: If you don't know the answer, you could _________ it up on the Internet.
ONE WORD: I couldn't ______ up with the work my teacher gave me - it was too difficult.
ONE WORD: I _______ up rugby after I broke my leg and it was too painful to play.
ONE WORD: I _______ up football when I was 12 years old and played until I was almost 40.
ONE WORD:His speech was _________________________. I thought he'd never stop talking. (END)
endless, neverending
ONE WORD:I would hate to teach children. They always __________________________. (BEHAVE)
ONE WORD:He waited ________________________ for the train. (PATIENT)
ONE WORD:Unfortunately, the medicine was _________________________, so he didn't recover. (EFFECT)
ONE WORD:My dog is completely _____________________. I promise he won't bite. (HARM)
That's not what I said! You've ________________________ me. (UNDERSTAND)
ONE WORD:Too many children nowadays are growing up _______________________. (LITERATE)
ONE WORD:He's invited me to his party. It would be _________________________ to say no. (POLITE)
ONE WORD:Many people are _________________________ of the dangers of mobile phones. (AWARE)
ONE WORD:She looked at him in ______________________ when he told her the shocking news. (BELIEVE)
ONE WORD:His story was so __________________________ I thought he was crazy. (BELIEVE)
ONE WORD:The politician was accused of being _____________________. (HONEST)
ONE WORD:The government's plans for the hospitals will ________________________ thousands of lives. (DANGER)
ONE WORD:The film "The Ring" _______________________ me. I couldn't sleep for days. (TERROR)
ONE WORD:The burglar ________________________ that no one was in the house before he broke in. (SURE)
ONE WORD:Thank you for the flowers you sent last month. They really _____________________ up my room. (BRIGHT)
ONE WORD:He always thinks he's right. He never ___________________ for his mistakes. (APOLOGY)
ONE WORD:His speech was too long. He should have _______________________ it. (SHORT)
ONE WORD:There are a lot of accidents on this road - the council should _____________________ it. (WIDTH)
ONE WORD:He loves insects. He can _______________________ over 50 different types of beetle. (IDENTITY)
ONE WORD:I'm studying medicine. I want to _____________________ in genetics. (SPECIAL)
He looks really disappointed. Obviously, he expected to win the race. He looks really disappointed. He ____________________ to win the race. (have)
must have expected
Why aren't you at home revising for your exam? You ___________________ for your exam at home now. (be)
should be revising
Maybe Tom is looking for a new place to live. Tom _______________________ for a new place to live. (could)
could be looking
It was very wrong of you to borrow my car without asking. You ______________________ my car without asking. (have)
shouldn't have borrowed
It's possible that he missed his train. He ________________________ his train. (might)
might not have caught, he might have missed
I'm sure he didn't understand what I was saying to him. He __________________________ what I was saying to him. (misunderstood)
must have misunderstood
ONE WORD: _______ is claimed that violent crime is increasing.
ONE WORD: Tomatoes are thought _________ be a vegetable by many people.
ONE WORD: I've ____________________ my kitchen decorated.
had, got
I need someone to test my eyesight as soon as possible. My eyesight _______________________ as soon as possible. (tested)
needs to be tested
People have known that smoking is unhealthy for many years. It ____________________________ smoking is unhealthy for many years. (been)
has been known that
ONE WORD: He's so unfriendly - it's _________ though he doesn't like me
ONE WORD: I would never take the job even _______ they offered me ten times my current salary.
ONE WORD: I believed him, even ________ he'd lied to me before.
ONE WORD: I didn't apologise, even _______ I felt really guilty.
ONE WORD: He spoke to me ________ if I was a servant.
ONE WORD: I'd never get married, even ______ Chris Hemsworth asked me.
"I'm sorry I broke your computer," said Frank. Frank __________________ my computer. (for)
apologised for breaking, said sorry for breaking
"If you remind me, I'll help," said Sam. Sam said that he would _____________________ him. (reminded)
would help me if I
"Can you open the window?" asked Sarah. Sarah _________________________ open the window. (I)
asked me if I could
"It was Andy who stole the money," said Mary. Mary _______________________ the money. (of)
accused Andy of stealing
He doesn't understand because he never listens. ________________________understand. (if)
If he listened, he would
He was sick because he ate too much. He __________________________ if he hadn't eaten so much. (been)
wouldn't have been sick
She got lost because she didn't have a map. She wouldn't have got lost _______________________ a map. (if)
if she had had
We should have dinner now. It _________________________ dinner. (high)
is high time we had
I don't want to be a nurse, I want to be a doctor. I ____________________ doctor than a nurse. (sooner)
would sooner be a
I wish I had listened more at school. I ______________________ more at school. (regret)
regret not listening
ONE WORD: Ten students went in for the exam, none of ... failed.
ONE WORD: Who is that woman ... husband we met last week?
ONE WORD: To ... it may concern.
ONE WORD: ............ you may be aware, I intend to retire at the end of the year.
ONE WORD: He came top of his group ............. starting the course late.
ONE WORD: There will be strong winds in the north. ... , the south will remain warm and sunny.
ONE WORD: You can have the job ............. you agree to work on Saturdays. (NOT if)
provided, providing
ONE WORD: Candidates are not permitted to leave the room ............. they are accompanied by a member of staff.
ONE WORD: You could come round to our house ............. we could meet at the cinema.
ONE WORD: There was heavy traffic in the city today ............. of an accident.
ONE WORD: ............. he felt quite ill he still went to work.
Although, Though, Even though
The surgeon is operating ............. the patient now. A at B to C on D in
There's no possibility ............. us finishing the project by the weekend. A in B with C for D of
Have you got any advice ............. how to go about buying a new car? A at B on C in D for
How much have you saved ............. for your holiday? A up B in C on D about
The police are looking ............. the recent series of robberies in the area. A into B on C around D through
I sympathise ............. your problem but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help. A in B for C with D to
Would you be kind enough to fill ............. this application form, please. A over B with C in D up
He really takes ............. his father. They're alike in so many ways. A on B after C in D over
ONE WORD: There have been many ............. refugees crossing the border than previously.
ONE WORD: We would have called you if we ............. known you were in.
ONE WORD: I can't ............... up with this noise anymore. I'm going to complain.
ONE WORD: Wait ............. minute. I'll see if I've got his address.
ONE WORD: He failed his exam, ............. was a real surprise.
ONE WORD: Manchester United won the game in ............. of the fact that they played with only 9 players.
ONE WORD: This product should ............. consumed within 3 days.
ONE WORD: It was ............. cold today we decided to stay at home.
_______ Pyrinees Mountain range separates France and Spain. The / A / - / Some
Please will you pass me ________ grapes? little / a few / few / a little
a few
What a noise! You fed the cat, _____ you? haven't / did / won't / didn't
Your horse is ______ than ours. far bigger / more bigger / so bigger
far bigger
We've been colleagues for ages. I _________ him since I first moved to London. have known / am knowing / know / knew
have known
I could talk to him but he doesn't come here often, _____ he? does / do / doesn't
What did you _______ do in your last employment? use to / pretend / would / used to / need
use to
Congratulations on your latest test results. You did much ____ than you did the previous time. better / well / good / best
I was rather put out when I heard my daughter's teacher _______ her run twenty times around the playground! forced made / allowed / let / permitted
You _____________ told me! I wouldn't have written to her if I'd known! must've / may've / should've / would've / could'nt've
My brother got lost in ______ Alps and had to be rescued. a / the / - / some
You'll put on weight if you _____ so many snacks in the day! ate / eaten / eat
I'm looking forward to my holiday! I _____ to spend the whole week on a boat! am spending / will / 'm going / 'll go
'm going
She woke with a bad stomach ache. It _______ something she'd eaten. must've been / would've been / can't have been / should've been
must've been
Hello sir, if you have any valuables, you _______ leave them in the hotel safe. need to / shouldn't / don't have to / will
need to
I heard the police __________ dozens of people before they made an arrest. were interviewed / had interviewed / have been interviewing / should interview
had interviewed
It happened ages ago. I ______ in New York at the time. worked / have been working / had worked / was working
was working
You'll remember to invite her, ________ you? won't / will / wouldn't / didn't
She ________ me Steve had lost his job. said / told / say to / claimed
I had a friend at college who was very gifted with languages. She ________ speak four or five! was able to / was able / was too able
was able to
Can I ask you for _______ information about the conference? pieces of / an / some / many
I ______ Julia to tell her as soon as we arrive at the hotel. going to call / 'll call / 'm calling
'll call
You didn't have to apply for a student visa _____ you were from outside the EU. whether / unless / if / if not
We had such a great week _____ we went walking in the mountains. that / where / when
Paris has some great museums _____ you can see the impressionist painters. which / that / where / when
I saw on ____ news today that he got 20 years inside. in the / on the / in / on
on the
If they'd wanted some assistance, they _______. would ask / will have asked / would've asked / can ask
would've asked
A: What's your new boss ____? B: He seems OK. He lets her get on with the job. seem like / look like / like
You must drive _______ because of the storm. carefull / carefully / careful / carely
I wish I could go camping with you next weekend, it sounds fun. _________ though, I have to work. Basically / Funnily / Unfortunately / Hopefully
You have taken the rubbish out, _______ you? haven't / didn't / have / isn't
Don't forget to post the letters _________ you get to the postbox. if / until / as soon as / before / unless
as soon as
We are going to the theatre tomorrow ________ it is too late to book tickets. until / when / unless / if
I'm sorry, I _________ to get to change that money for you, I was too busy. was able to / couldn't / weren't able / didn't manage
didn't manage
I wish I ________ home earlier last night. I'm so tired today. was going / had gone / went / would go
had gone
She asked him _____ he wanted to go to the race course. unless / as soon as / supposing / whether
If you like modern art, you ______ really visit the new exhibition at the museum. ought / should / must / can
________, he didn't do as well as expected in the exam. The teachers wondered why. Interestingly / Although / Definitely / Surprisingly
Ah, you're finally here!! What __________________ you? is keeping / kept / keeps / had been keeping
I don't have ______ time today but I'll do it by the end of the week.. long / some / some / much
10 Did you see ___ moon last night? - a / some / the / my
We used to meet at the bus stop because we weren't _______ to go to town on our own. made / allowed / let / couldn't
Bobby said he ______ a great time at the party at your place. had / had had / had have
had had
You ________ show photo identification at the airport check-in. shouldn't / don't have to / must / should
I wish all airlines would _______ children fly for free. made / allowed / let
I got a Spotify subscription so I can listen to ___ music of my youth while I'm at the gym. a / - / the / an
I _________ go horse-riding every evening when I was younger. usually / would / used / may
If only she ______ what she was doing! know / knew / known
Are you going to the club tonight? You _____ pay an entrance charge if you arrive before 8pm. shouldn't / mustn't / don't have to
don't have to
That's such a nice piece of furniture. I wish it ______ fit in my apartment. could / might / had