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Compact Unit 3 Reading Part 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"No more than three items allowed." How many items can you take?
A maximum of three
Only three
Four or more
1 or 2
What does "wishing to buy a shirt" mean?
to want to buy a shirt
to have bought a shirt
to buy a shirt later
to never buy a shirt
What does "we're going shortly" mean?
We're going soon
We're very short
We're not getting bigger
We're not tall
What does 'refund' mean?
money back
pay again
on sale
half price
What is the purpose of "We need to get a present for Sophie - any ideas?"
asking for a suggestion
"My dad will drive us there, he'll pick you up at 10am" means...
you are being informed about the travel arrangements
You are being told the travel arrangements have changed
You are being told the travel arrangements are cancelled
You are being asked to suggest the travel arrangements
Two tickets for the price of one before 2:30pm means....
You pay for one ticket and get two until 2:30pm
You pay for one ticket and get two after 2:30pm
You pay for one ticket and get two all day
If you buy two tickets, a third person can come free
If you are told to "clear your table", you should...
put your rubbish in the bin
leave your rubbish in a neat pile
leave your rubbish on the table
put your rubbish on the chair
What does 'inform' mean?
feel sorry
a line
What does 'delayed' mean?
feel sorry
a line
What does "queue" mean?
a line
feel sorry
not allowed
What does 'regret' mean?
feel sorry
not allowed
What does 'forbidden' mean?
not allowed
with permission
What does 'request' mean?
feel sorry
What does 'depart' mean?
Where would you see this sign?
at a cinema
on a shop door
inside a fast-food restaurant
on a station platform
Where would you see this sign?
inside a changing room
on a shop door
at a cash desk
on a station platform
Where would you see this sign?
inside a fast-food restaurant
at a cinema
on a shop door
inside a changing room
Where would you see this sign?
on a station platform
at a cinema
inside a fast-food restaurant
at a bus stop
Where would you see this sign?
at a bus stop
on a station platform
at a cinema
inside a changing room
Where would you see this sign?
on a shop door
inside a fast-food restaurant
on a station platform
at a cash desk
Where would you see this sign?
at a cash desk
on a shop door
inside a changing room
at a bus stop