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Brazilian indigenous people

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Where can you find the most indigenous people in the world?
About 80 percent of the world’s Indigenous people live in Asia and South East Asia.
What is the meaning of "indigenous"?
When is "Dia dos Povos Originarios" in braziL?
April 19th
What's the meaning of catapora?
“ta’ta” significa “fogo”, algo que arde, e “pora” é aquilo que salta.
True or false? 20% of plants and animals in Brazil are named after its indigenous origin.
False. It's 80%
True or false. "Tribo" is not an accepeted word.
Recomenda-se também o uso dos termos aldeia, terra ou território indígena, em vez de tribo. Para o grupo de indígenas, use etnia ou povo.
True or false. Infant mortality is nearly ten times higher for Ianomani children?
Yes. 15/1000 is the national average. 43,46 between indigenous groups and 149/1000 for Ianonmami children
What's the average life expectancy for indigenous people in brazil.
45 years. (73 is the national average)
True or false? "Catupiry" is an indigenous word.
True. A palavra escolhida para sua marca veio do tupi catupiri, que quer dizer “excelente”.
How manu cities in Brazil have an indigenous language as their official language?
What does Jacaré mean in ancient Tupi?
jaeça-caré = o que olha de banda (de lado)
What does "Paraná"? mean in ancient Tupi?
Pará (mar) + Anã (semelhante)
What does "carioca" mean in archaic Tupi?
casa (oka) do homem branco (kari).
"Tupi-guarani" is the most spoken indigenous language in Brazil. True or false?
Tupi-Guarani não é uma língua mas sim a designação de uma família linguística. Portanto não existe a língua Tupi-Guarani mas existem várias línguas no tronco.
How many indigenous languages are there in Brazil?
Brasil registra 274 línguas indígenas diferentes faladas por 305 etnias
Name 3 of the most spoken indigenous languages in Brazil.
o tikuna (com 34 mil falantes), o guarani kaiowá (com 26,5 mil), o kaingang (22 mil), o xavante (13,3 mil) e o yanomami (12,7 mil).
What problems do ingenous people suffer?
Violence from land conflicts (conflitos fundiarios), ethnical discrimination, lack of services and public policies
What's one of the biggest demands by indigenous people in Brazil at the moment?
Land demarcation
What makes someone "indigenous" in Brazil?
Self-identification. "anyone who identify and belongs to a community"
How many indigenous groups are there in Brazil?