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Lola and Tiva: An Unlikely Friendship

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What do adult Rhino's eat?
Shrubs, twigs and leaves.
How was Lola like a big puppy?
She tried to climb, lick and smell things.
Which country is the Wildlife Conservation in?
Lewa Wildlife Conservation is in Kenya, Africa
Why did Tiva pick bugs off Lola's skin?
Because the wild birds did not come so close to humans
What special things did Tiva do for Lola that shows love and care?
She gave her food, water, shelter, cared for her health, and taught her many Rhino way's of life
Why can Lola not play with Tiva the same way she used to?
She is too big to play with Tiva like she used to
What do Rhino’s use as sunscreen?
The mud protects the Rhino's skin from the sun
What happens to a Rhino calf at two years old?
The Rhino calf can leave its Mom
What interesting fact did we learn about the upper lip of a Rhino?
It is shaped like a hook and can grab onto food.
What does it mean to be blind?
Unable to see