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Idioms 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spill the beans
To reveal someone’s secret
He/she’s a big fish
Being the boss, the leader
Pushing up daisies
Euphemism for dying or death
Off the hook
To escape a situation of responsibility, obligation or (less frequently) danger
Miss the boat
Someone missed his or her chance
Hit the sack/sheets/hay
Meaning: To go to bed
Hit the road
To depart, to start the journey
Have a blast
To have a good time or to enjoy
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Do not put all your resources in one possibility
Curiosity killed the cat
Being inquisitive can lead to an unpleasant situation
Cry over spilled milk
When you complain about a loss from the past
Couch potato
A lazy person
Cat nap
To have a short, light sleep, a doze
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Cannot judge something primarily on appearance
Call it a day
To declare the end of a task
Bite off more than you can chew
To talk a task that is way too big
Best of both worlds
To get all the advantages of two things at the same time
Bed of roses
An easy, comfortable situation or an easy life
Beat around the bush
Avoiding the main issue, not speaking directly about a topic
Barking up the wrong tree
Looking in the wrong place, accusing the wrong person
All ears
Listening intently, fully focused or awaiting an explanation
Add insult to injury
To act a way that makes a bad or displeasing situation worse
A dime a dozen
Very common and no particular value
Actions speak louder than words
People’s intension can be judged better by what they do than what they say.
A bitter pill
A situation or information that is in-pleasant but must be accepted
Feel like a million dollars
To feel great, to feel well and healthy.
On all fours
You are down on your hands and knees.
At the eleventh hour
It happens when it is almost too late.
Have one over the eight
A person is slightly drunk.
Be in seventh heaven
Extremely happy
Dressed up to the nines
Someone is wearing very smart or glamorous clothes
Never in a million years
Absolutely never
It takes two to tango
You say this when you think that a difficult situation or argument cannot be the fault of one person alone.
Two peas in a pod
Two people who are very similar in appearance
Stand on one’s own two feet
To be independent and self-sufficient
Nine-to-five job
routine job in an office that involves standard office hours
Nine times out of ten
Almost always
Be in two minds (about something)
To not be certain about something
Cast the first stone
To be the first to criticize or attack someone
Put in one’s two cents
Say your opinion
A million and one
Very many
Ten to one
Something very likely
Six feet under
Dead and buried
One for the road
Have a drink before leaving
On cloud nine
very happy
Have one too many
tomar todas
Back to square one
de volta para o começo
All in one piece
tudo certo, sem se machucar
This is going to be a piece of cake –
Isso vai ser um pedaço de bolo. (No Brasil, usamos a expressão “isso vai ser moleza”).
Saved by the bell –
Salvo pelo gongo.
Right in the bull’s eyes! –
No olho do touro! (No Brasil, usamos a expressão “na mosca!”).
My lips are sealed –
Meus lábios estão selados. (No Brasil, usamos a expressão “minha boca é um túmulo”).
It is high time!
– Já estava na hora.
Bite your tongue!
– Morda a língua! (No Brasil, usamos a expressão “vira essa boca pra lá!”).
As lost as a nun on a honeymoon –
Mais perdido que uma freira em uma lua-de-mel.
As if!
– Até parece!
As far as I know… =
Até onde eu sei…, que eu saiba…
To kill two birds with one stone
– Matar dois pássaros com uma pedra só
How come?
– Como assim?
So far, so good
– Até aqui, tudo bem.
Take your time
– Use o tempo que for necessário.
It is up to you
– Você quem sabe.
As good as it gets
Melhor impossĂ­vel.
Pretty soon
Em breve.
Never mind –
Deixa prá lá.
Never heard of
Nunca ouvi falar.
To have no clue
NĂŁo ter a menor ideia.
For goodness’ sake!
Pelo amor de Deus!