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present perfect or past simple?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many times ___ you ___ to LA? (BE/GO). Once. I ___ last year for a first time. (go)
How many times have you been to LA? Once. I went last year for a first time.
Where ___ you ___ on vacation last summer? (go)
Where did you go on vacation last summer?
___ she ___, yet? Her bag isn't here. BE/GO
Has she gone, yet? Her bag isn't here.
___ John ___ to the supermarket? There's lots of food in the fridge.
Has John been to the supermarket?
___ you ____ (eat) at the new burger place? When ___ you ___ there? (go)
Have you eaten at the new burger place? When did you go there?
___ you ___ (be) on holiday this summer? Where __ you __ (go)?
Have you been on holiday this summer? Where did you go?
___ you ___ to Jenny? (talk) What ___ she ___ (say)?
Have you talked to Jenny? What did she say?
___ you___ to your teacher, yet? (speak)? When ___ you ___ to him? (speak)
Have you speaken to your teacher, yet?  When did you speak to him?
___ you ___ to Jake, recently? (talk)
Have you talked to Jake, recently?
I ___ in a very nice hotel last month. (stay)
I stayed in a very nice hotel last month.
Yesterday we ___ to the park (go)
Yesterday we went to the park
I ___ the new Spiderman movie last night. (see)
I saw the new Spiderman movie last night.
___ Tom ___ (arrive), yet? When ___ he ___? (arrive)
Has Tom arrived, yet? When did he arrive?
___ you____ (make) pizza before?
Have you made pizza before?
I ___ never ___ (play) baseball.
I have never played baseball
When ___ you ___ (go) to Mexico?
When did you go to Mexico?
I've never ____ to New York. BE/GO
I've never been to New York.
Have you ever ___ to London? No, I ___. BE/GO
Have you ever been to London? No, I haven't. 
Where’s Suzie? She's ___ to the supermarket. BE/GO
she's gone