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L Sound Riddles

  •  English    44     Public
    Practice articulation of L sounds (all positions) by answering these riddles
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  • This is a special day. You can get lots of candy. You can wear a batman costume, princess, or ninja.
  •  25
  • This is a number. It has two digits that are both the same.
  •  25
  • This is a special day. You write sweet notes and give hearts and candy to your friends.
    Valentine's Day
  •  15
  • You can give these to someone for their birthday. They come in many colors. You can blow them and pop them.
  •  25
  • She's a princess in a fairy tale. She lost her glass slipper and found her prince charming.
  •  20
  • This is a huge number. You could win this much money in a lottery.
  •  15
  • This is a naughty sea animal. Don't touch it or you might get a rash!
  •  15
  • This is a place in your school. It's whereyour clothes go when you lose them.
    Lost and Found
  •  15
  • This is a kid at school. I hope it's not you. They are mean to other kids.
  •  20
  • They come in lots of combinations. With/without siblings, with/without cousins, ...
  •  20
  • It's a kind of transportation. You usually need to buy a ticket
  •  15
  • This can rescue people.  It has a propellor and can hover in the air.
  •  10
  • It's in your kitchen cupboard, or maybe your dishwasher. You can put your cereal, soup, or ice cream in it.
  •  15
  • In high school, they are all along the wall. You can put your clothes or coat or books in them.
  •  10
  • This flies on a pole or hangs on a wall. The American has stars and stripes.
  •  15
  • This is a place in your school. You spend most of the day here.
  •  15