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April Fool or Fact?

  •  English    18     Public
    April Fool's Day
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  • Hellmann's have just announced a delicious new product-a combination of their classic mayonnaise and a Butterfinger chocolate bar.
    April Fool!
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  • In 1957, the BBC reported that farmers in Switzerland were successfully growing ____ on trees.
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  • In 1998, Burger King announced the introduction of a new item on their menu: the Left-Handed Whopper
    It's true-order one today!
    April Fool!
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  • Haven't you always wanted cheese moisturiser? In 2021, the Kraft company advertised the new range of Velveeta cheese skin care products.
    They were only joking-April Fool!
    It's true-my skin has never felt better!
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  • In 2021, Duolingo promised to "Turn your bathroom into a classroom" with a new product, but what was it?
    an interactive mirror
    toilet paper
    a Smart Towel
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  • On 1st April 2016, National Geographic tweeted that they would no longer be publishing photographs of ______
    old ladies
    strange-shaped vegetables
    naked animals
    people with bad teeth
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  • In April 1994, PC Magazine announced that American politicians were planning to make using the internet illegal for people who were____
    over 170cm tall
    under the age of 21
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  • In 2002, Sainsbury's supermarket started marketing purple carrots, to encourage children to eat more vegetables.
    It's true
    It was a joke
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  • In 1994, Pepsi offered a 10% lifetime discount to any teenager who got a tattoo of the Pepsi logo.
    It was an April Fool
    It's true
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  • In 1991, divers in France discovered cave paintings which showed that penguins and humans once lived side by side.
    It was a joke
    It's a fact
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  • On April 1st 2021, Lego revealed their new Smart Bricks, but what was so smart about them?
    They can change shape according to what you want to build
    They changed colour according to your child's mood
    They can be swallowed by children without causing pain
    They can move out of your way so you don't step on them
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  • On April 1st 2008, the BBC reported that scientists in the Antarctic had discovered penguins that could ____
    understand human speech
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  • . On April 1st 2021, the Canadian Space Agency tweeted that the Perseverance Rover had discovered ________ on the surface of Mars.
    an edible substance similar to tofu
    a species identical to humans
    alien footprints
    all the socks we have lost in the washing machine
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  • On April 1st 2022, Subway launched a new product to bring the atmosphere of Subway into your home. What is it?
    A bread-scented room perfume
    Hot sauce-flavoured coffee
    meatball-flavoured soap
    pickle-flavoured wallpaper
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  • In 2018, a Bank of America ATM mistakenly started dispensing $100 bills instead of $10s
    Fake news!
    It's true
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  • In 2002, two British scientists launched the world's first Tooth Telephone, a tiny phone which can be implanted into your tooth and vibrates when you rceive a call.
    Fake news!
    It's the tooth, I mean, the truth!
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