Game Preview

SpeakOut Upper

  •  English    36     Public
    Unit 1 - 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How long did it take you to make their wedding cake? Can I ask ____________ ? (Complete the second question so that it means the same as the first.)
  •  25
  • Which company is he working for now? Do you know ____? (Complete the second question so that it means the same as the first.)
  •  25
  • Have you ever flown in a helicopter before? I was wondering ______ . (Complete the second question so that it means the same as the first.)
  •  25
  • What time does the film start on screen one? Could you tell me _______ ?  (Complete the second question so that it means the same as the first.)
  •  25
  • How much did you have to pay for your car?                                    I’d be interested to know _____. (Complete the second question so that it means the same as the first.)
  •  25
  • I /haven’t seen/didn’t see/ any interesting wildlife documentaries on television recently, have you?
  •  10
  • Although she /’s always loved/always loved reading/, she only /started/has started/ trying to write her first novel last month.
  •  20
  • He /’s worked/worked/ as a shop assistant for five years before he /’s become/became/ a manager.
  •  15
  • Can you believe that I /’ve taken/took/ my driving test five times so far and still /didn’t pass/haven’t passed/ it?
  •  20
  • I still can’t believe that I _____ (work) as a teacher for over twenty years. It really doesn’t feel that long. (Decide if the verb form should be present perfect simple (S), present perfect continuous (C) or if both are possible (B).)
  •  10
  • Lisa and Mandy _______(raise) money for the Royal National Lifeboat Association for over ten years now. It’s their charity of choice
  •  10
  • So, how long ______ (live) in France and why did you decide to move halfway around the world to live there? 
  •  10
  • I _______(feel) rather restless recently. I think I need to take a break and go travelling for a while. (Decide if the verb form should be present perfect simple (S), present perfect continuous (C) or if both are possible (B).)
  •  10
  • Do you happen to know if Doug _____(start) his new job yet or not? I can’t remember when he said his first day was.
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  • Oscar   ________ always ________ (love) drawing, so it’s no surprise that he now wants to go to Art College and become an illustrator for children’s books.
  •  5
  • Please excuse the mess. We_______ (repaint) the house all week and haven’t had chance to clear everything up yet.
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