Game Preview

SpeakOut intermediate

  •  English    36     Public
    Revision 1-3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A: I (’m having/will have) a party tonight. Do you want to come? B: I’d love to. What time (is it going to/does it) start?
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  • A: Mel (will travel/is travelling) around Italy for work next month. Lucky thing! B: (Might she go to/Is she going to visit) Rome? A: Yes, I think she ( ’ll stay/won’t stay) there for a few days when she first arrives.
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  • A: What (are you going to/will you do) tomorrow? B: I (might not/’m going to) do anything! I’m so tired, I think I (’ll just relax/’m relaxing.)
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  • A: I’m so excited because our team won our semi-final match and so we (’re playing/might play) in the finals on Saturday. B: That’s fantastic! Well, let me know what time it starts and I (’ll/’m going to) bring the boys along to watch.
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  • I really don’t like the look of those black clouds. I’m sure there’s_________be a big storm very soon. 
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  • Mia’s doing very well at school. I hope she_____continue her studies at university. I’m sure she______make an excellent teacher. 
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  • We_______be able to sell our house in the current weak economic climate but we’re_____try. We________lucky and find the right buyer. You never know! 
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  • I _______(never/fly) in a plane before so I am feeling a bit nervous about my flight.
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  • Sue______ (sing) in a jazz band when she was 21.
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  • We first_______(meet)Tamara at university in 2010. We were on the same degree programme.
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  • James_________ (play)in the national hockey team for five years but stopped after he hurt his back.
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  • They_______(buy)a four-bedroom house in Wales.
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  • Who_______(win) the match on Saturday? Do you know?
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  • Can we watch something else? I_______(already/see) this film twice.
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  • They_______ (never) on a cruise before so they’re really excited about their holiday
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  • When I first saw Coldplay, they weren’t famous. They__________(become) a very famous since then.
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